Ch4 - Friends

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That sounded alarming. Jocasta had never shouted his name like that. Vincent stopped cleaning his gun and instead he grabbed it tightly and he hurried worriedly towards her room. He busted in her room, his gun tightly in his arms as he proceeded to blow an intruder's head. He lowered his target as he realized there was no intruder in the room. No obvious enemy that threatened to kidnap her or harm her as he'd assumed.

Except, he saw Jocasta having climbed on her chair so frightened, he'd never seen her like that before.

"W- What are you doing with the gun?! You're gonna shoot it to death?!" Jocasta asked, her frightened gaze pinned over her couch.

"I- I thought that you were being-"

"I'm not being kidnapped! Something far worse has happened!" Jocasta cried out alarmingly "There's a cockroach! In my room! A cockroach!"

Vincent let out a sigh of relief and he rolled his eyes. He placed the gun back in its case on his back "Where is it?"

"Behind my couch! Oh gosh, please save my couch, Vincent!" Jocasta cried out in panic.

Vincent just shook his head and he exited the room "I'm gonna go grab the broom. You stay where you are,"

"Wait! Don't leave me alone in a room with a cockroach!" Jocasta cried out as she jumped off the chair in a huge leap of faith, and she hurriedly followed him out of the room.

"I can't believe you're okay with opening up people's chests and you're not okay with a cockroach," Vincent said as he got back in her room with the broom as she waited outside.

"You've no idea how much infectious these little organisms can be!"

A loud bang came from her room and Jocasta assumed he'd captured the cockroach. She let out a sigh of relief but jumped out of his way when she saw him dragging it outside the house with the broom.

When, thankfully, Vincent dealt with the cockroach incident, Jocasta hesitantly walked in the living room, where he was sitting taking care of his gear. She crossed her hands against her chest.

"I really gotta thank you for... dealing with that," Jocasta said.

He gave her a nod and then he got his attention back to cleaning up his guns and counting the remaining bullets that were stuffed in them. He hadn't used any of it ever since he was assigned to keep an eye on both scientists, but still taking care of it had become a habit ever since he joined to become a Turk.

"How about I cook some dinner?" Jocasta asked.

He gave her a stare "You... cook?"

As long as he'd been there, Lucrecia would take care of that, and when she was too wrapped in her work, they'd order something from the local restaurants. Jocasta spent most of the time outside the house, working in both hospitals and in the Shinra Manor on the JENOVA Project. She'd never actually offered to cook.

Jocasta shot him a glare "I know how to cook!" she protested "Provided, no one's having a heart attack today, that is,"

Vincent sighed and turned his attention back to cleaning up his gun "You don't have to,"

"But I do! I mean... you saved me from a cockroach!"

"Wow, what a threat,"

She arched an eyebrow "Was that sarcasm, Mr. Valentine?"

He just smiled. No, it looked more like a smirk. He was definitely being sarcastic. Jocasta let out a hum as she made her way to the kitchen and started searching the shelves to see if there actually something in them. Honestly, Lucrecia had all the control over the kitchen. Jocasta never had the time to even make sure they had the basic groceries every home was supposed to have.

Blood & Sympathy (FFVII: Vincent x OC)Where stories live. Discover now