Ch36 - A Night's Rest

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The inn was small. The walls were made of stone, and the floor was wooden, covered in carpets. The bar on the ground floor was almost empty when the team reached it. It was late in the night. Cid had contacted his technicians back in the Highwind to prepare the ship for takeoff first thing in the morning for Fort Condor.

The innkeeper, an old woman, stood behind the counter, rubbing it clean with a cloth. She greeted them with a smile, which faded when she counted them. "Oh dear! You're four. I have only three available rooms for tonight," she said as she opened a drawer and drew out three keys.

The four exchanged looks for a second, before Cid turned and grabbed the keys "It's alright, ma'am, we'll figure out who sleeps with who,"

"Thanks for your hospitality, Val," Barret said, he seemed to recognize the old woman.

"Aw, nonsense, Barret, you and your team saved our home. It's the least we can do," She said, giving them a smile.

The team turned at each other and Cid stared at the three keys in his hands and sighed "Alright, since I'm the leader, and I'm the most exhausted one, I'm getting one room. Can't fuckin' sleep with this fucker's snoring!" he said pointing his thumb at Barret.

"'xcuse me! Have you listened to your snorin'?!" Barret cried out and the Captain.

"Fuck off! I ain't snorin', I'm sleepin' like freakin' a birdie!" Cid threw back offendedly.

"Alright then! Since you're sleepin' like a birdie, you share a bed with somebody!"

The fight went on for a few more seconds and Jocasta with Vincent were just staring at the two. Vincent was almost amused and it would show if he wasn't hiding his face behind that collar of his cloak. And then things got heated up when Barret cocked his gun-arm and Cid's hand reached for his spear on his back.

"Listen here, dipshit-"

"Who did you call a dipshit, jackass?!"

"Oh, you wanna throw hands!?"

"Fuck yes, I FUCKIN' DO!"


"Whoah!!!" Jocasta cut them both. She placed a hand on Barret's gun-arm, and the other on Cid's spear making them both lower down their weapons and stop shouting. "How about you two get your separate rooms since you're both snoring like a freaking Zolom-"



It came in unison, but she ignored them both and continued her suggestion "...and Vincent and I share a room since he, thankfully, doesn't snore,"

"And how the fuck could you possibly know if he snores or not?!" Cid snapped.

"Uhh..." Jocasta's mouth dropped for a moment trying to find a proper answer that wouldn't trigger suspicions. She mentally scolded at herself for saying something like that without even thinking it through.

"I'm not sleeping" Vincent said to her rescue. He was so good at faking it. He stated it so indifferently, and he could've fooled anybody. Barret and Cid seemed to have bought it as they nodded.

"Aight! You get room no. 30," Cid said as he handed them the key.

Jocasta grabbed the key "Okay. Goodnight, guys," she said and Vincent nodded their way before the two turned around and walked upstairs to look for the room.

Cid's usual angry grin turned into a mischievous one as he turned at Barret and lent his hand over at him "C'mon, 150,"

Barret groaned as his hand reached for his pocket and he drew out the gil placing them on his friend's hand. Another lost bet. "I can't believe she offered to sleep with him so easily!"

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