Ch84 - "Beauty" And the Beast

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Vincent knew of only one place where he would find answers. It was that cursed little town called Nibelheim. The place where everything began so long ago. He was going to search Jocasta's house, then the Shinra Manor, and the basement labs. The place where he'd gone through so much pain. The place where both his and Jocasta's screams would echo down the endless halls and corridors in the basement labs, deep beneath the mountain. That cursed place that Hojo called home for so long. He knew he'd get answers there. He wanted to find out what they were up to. Deepground. What were they trying to achieve? It was the only way to get his mind off of his worry for her. Jocasta.

What was she doing? Was she okay? Was she in pain? She probably was. He didn't know. He hates not knowing. He hated not being able to do something about it. He hated not being there for her.

Vincent walked towards the exit of the WRO Headquarters building. He heard footsteps approaching from behind and he saw Reeve and Sephiroth stopping him.

"Where are you going?" Reeve's voice came from behind and Vincent turned around and faced them both.

"Nibelheim," he answered simply.

"Wait... Shinra Manor? But that is where-" Reeve tried to say and Sephiroth cut him.

"That's where it all began. It makes sense we'll find answers there," Sephiroth said.

Vincent raised an eyebrow "We?"

"I'm coming with you,"

"No..." Vincent shook his head. He worked better alone when he knew that the only person who could get wounded was himself and he didn't mind getting himself killed. But Sephiroth should better stay in the HQ and stay safe. "'re needed here, kid," Vincent said as he turned around to leave.

Kid?! Sephiroth raised an eyebrow as he stared at his old man ready to exit the building but Reeve's voice stopped him halfway the door.

"Actually, I can handle the General's position for a few days' time. You could use the help, Vincent," Reeve reasoned.

Vincent stopped and let out a sigh before he turned his head and looked at both of them over his shoulder. They were waiting for an answer, but he still didn't give one. He just turned and continued walking away.

"Was that a 'yes'?" Sephiroth asked confusedly.

Reeve couldn't really tell but "Yeah," he nodded.

Sephiroth followed Vincent out of the building. He sighed when he just stood and watched Vincent as he walked on the sidewalk towards the direction that would get him to Nibelheim. He rested a hand by his waist and shook his head.

"You're gonna walk your way to Nibelheim?" Sephiroth asked incredulously.

Vincent stopped walking and he turned around facing his son. He didn't really give an answer, he just shrugged.

"It's 37 miles," Sephiroth tried to reason.

Vincent took a moment to process the information. That is far away. But he shrugged again "I was gonna fly,"

Oh. Sometimes he forgot that Vincent had Chaos inside of him and he could transform at any beast, anytime. "How about... a car?" Sephiroth suggested.

Vincent hummed. He couldn't remember the last time he'd driven a car. Except from that one time back in Cid's wedding, which wasn't really driving since Reeve was dragging it with his own. "I haven't driven in a while,"

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