Ch100 - Abduction

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He watched her as she placed the daggers on her outfit. The familiar outfit that she had been wearing ever since this entire ordeal started. The WRO squads were evacuating whatever buildings encircled the warehouse. The two of them were in a WRO truck now and they were waiting for the evacuation to be complete. Vincent just stood there with his fists clenched and his hands crossed against his chest. He couldn't stop worrying. He couldn't stop replaying the worst scenarios in his head. He knew what she was capable of. He knew that Sephiroth and the team and the WRO squads were going to protect her, but he knew that everything could go wrong.

He noticed she'd been staring at him. She let out a sigh and she approached him. He was wearing a crimson shirt, a black tie, a black Turk jacket, black pants, and a dark crimson, long coat on top. The weather was cold. Winter was approaching. They were all dressed this way. But he was back to his Turk habits. Turk clothes. New guns fitted in cases beneath his jacket, and bullets in spots where no one could see them. He had kept his bandana though. It kept his hair at bay. Black messy locks still fell on his face. He was perfect as always.

She approached him and her hand found his face and he sighed. His hands found their way around her waist and brought her body close, pressing against his. His eyes found hers and her forehead pressed against his. His hand reached for her belly. He didn't know if things were going to turn out as planned. He just knew he was afraid that they wouldn't. He was tempted to just take her out of there and run. He was always so good at running but she wasn't. She was so good at facing and battling and dealing with whatever was thrown at her.

He admired that. She put other people's lives upon her own, and he genuinely admired that. But she had gotten herself hurt and killed so many times, it scared him. It terrified him. He brought her closer. His hand found her belly and even above all those layers of clothing, he could still feel that there was life in there and he was more terrified to lose it than ever.

"Protect it," he inhaled shakily "Please, Jocasta, please, be careful. Please, don't try anything dangerous," he had just found his happiness. He finally had a wife and a child that he both dearly loved. He couldn't lose these now. He couldn't lose these because if he did, he'd go back into that coffin, and this time, he would starve to death and he would embrace that. Because this time, there would be no demon to force him alive.

Her hand found his face. He leaned against in. Her thumb brushed warm against his cheek and he sighed. Her hand found his on her belly "I will. No matter what happens, I'll keep our baby safe, I promise,"

He knew these words should ease his head, but they didn't. He was still frightened but he'd be right behind her. He'd be right there. He'd jump right in should anything happen. He nodded.

"What do you do in case of an emergency?"

"I kick ass?"

He sighed. His eyes found hers, sternly "Jocasta-" he started with a serious tone but she cut him

She laughed "Three dots, three dashes, three dots," It seemed like the dark ages to use Morse Code. But she had the intercom tied around her wrist. It was a quiet and discreet solution. It was perfect.

"Good," He let out a sigh of relief.

"Chief!" Reno's voice came from outside as he knocked on the metallic door "If you two lovebirds are done, you might as well come out,"


It was a terrible idea. A terrible idea. Vincent's fingers tightened around his gun as he stayed in position along with the rest of the Turks and WRO soldiers that were waiting outside the warehouse, hiding as discreetly as possible. Sephiroth and the team were there, all around the old, abandoned building, and they watched Jocasta as she walked in. She was armed. Her Sais stood in their cases by her waist. She had a quiver of arrows on her back and her bow passed around her shoulders. It was just like back then when she was a TSVIET.

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