Ch101 - Knowlespole

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Cold. She felt the cold metal beneath her sending chills down her spine. Her palms pressed flat against it. Her head buzzed. She had been resting it on top of her forearms when she realized she had passed out. She had been drugged and hopefully it wasn't anything harmful enough. An intense ache caught her forehead. Her hand found it and she winced.

She forgot the headache when the thought crossed her mind. Her hand reached for her belly as she stood on sitting position. She didn't feel any pain. She didn't feel any blood trickling out. It all seemed fine. Her baby was safe, for now. She let out a sigh of relief. Her hair was untangled. They fell on her shoulders. Her daggers, her Sais, her bow and arrows were gone. Of course, they would be.

Jocasta looked up. She was in a cell. Metallic bars surrounded her but she could tell it wasn't a prison. It was a large room where people were working restlessly ontop of the control panels, monitors, computers. She recognized some of them. They were WROs that were probably forced to aid in whatever insane plans Genesis had. The room was large. A big hole was made on the ground and a machine hung on top. It seemed like all the engineers were working on it.

Jocasta thought about ways to escape. She chuckled bitterly. There was no way out. She no longer had a demon inside of her, to make her strong enough to bend the steel of the bars and take down an entire army on her own. There were guards dressed in Deepground uniforms everywhere. Deepground? As far as she knew, everyone of Deepground's was killed in the assault that WRO had launched.

"These are just suits," Genesis's voice came and she looked outside of her cell where he stood with his back turned against her. "They're copies of mine, but ever since I've been touched by the Goddess, my copies keep their form and their knowledge, but are still controlled by me,"

She had no idea what he was talking about. Goddess? She just let her back rest against the cold wall and she crossed her legs looking outside of her cell.

He turned and looked at her for a moment and chuckled "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"Don't tell me you've been merciful because of it," Jocasta said.

He shrugged "Killing you today is not going to differ much from killing you tomorrow. I just brought you here to watch,"

"Watch what?"

"We're at Knowlespole, Professor, do you know why?" he asked raising an eyebrow "It's the spot closest to the heart of the Planet. Why else do you think the Cetra once habited this place? We've dug deep enough to reach the centre..." he pointed at the machinery that hung above that hole in the middle of the room "...that's a magnificent Mako bomb that's going to stop Gaia from spinning. I'm sure you know that motion is the one who creates gravity. Imagine what would happen if gravity ceased,"

Everything would start floating. Everything on Gaia would be pushed into space and killed from the low temperatures of it. Without the force of gravity to hold Gaia together, the intense pressures in its core would cause it to burst open and break apart into chunks that would float in space eternally. Not to mention the tidal effects of the moon that would trigger earthquakes and the waves of plasma that the sun would be sending their way. Perfect. Jocasta frowned. She couldn't understand why he wanted to do that and she didn't care the least. She just knew the world was going to end and they'd have to save it, again.

"Enjoy the show, Professor," Genesis let out a laugh before he walked out of the room.

Jocasta's hand reached for the intercom that she had hidden beneath her sleeve. She just hoped she remembered the alphabet in Morse Code or else she'd been sending them nonsense. She couldn't risk calling them and having them detecting the signal. But using an older kind of communication, was going to be a safer and more discreet method. Quieter too.

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