Ch33 - The Next Step, A Promise

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Jocasta felt exhausted as her body shapeshifted back to her own. She fell on her knees and her hand reached for the bark of a tree. Her fingers gained back their human shape. Her nails dug on the hard surface of the wood. She threw another hand on the soil as she panted. A drop of blood slipped out of the corner of her lips and she couldn't wait to wash that monster's traces off her body once she'd get back to the Highwind.

Her hand reached for her lips, wiping that drop of blood with her sleeve and she gagged. She was never fond of whatever was left in her mouth after a hunt. "I hate you," she mumbled to her demon.

The feeling's mutual.

Well, it made sense they'd hate each other. They were both trapped into one body for an eternity and the fight for control was a constant. Her fingers fisted around the soil, grabbing a handful of it as she pressed all her weight on the other hand on the tree, and she picked herself up. She tried to ignore her trembling hands and feet as she headed back to town. That thing would drain her of life every time she'd let it come out to the surface.

But luckily, this time, her clothes didn't have enough scratches and cuts. They weren't ruined like the last time. "Now, that's a first," she said sarcastically as her hands ran through her sleeves, checking them out.

You should be grateful. It snarled.

"I am. I'm too broke to buy new clothes right now anyway," Jocasta admitted, and she stopped talking when her eyes found the Highwind resting by the mountainside. A bunch of crewmembers had taken a break away from the ship and they were scattered around the valley, chatting with each other.


A familiar voice came from behind and she turned around seeing Red. The flame on his tail danced around with the small breeze that came their way. Jocasta smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his red mane.

"You done eating, buddy?" She asked.

Red nodded "We gotta head back to the ship. Let's not leave the others waiting," he said and Jocasta nodded.


They headed back into the Highwind and they reached the upper deck. There were lots of technicians and engineers, running checks on the engine and the control panels that were in the bridge. Cid was giving orders around with Barret filling him in with the situation. Vincent was already there, standing in the corner, silent like he always did. Cait Sith was still messing with his PHS, pressing buttons and placing it on his ears.

"Ya guys are ready?" Cid asked when he noticed Jocasta and Red finally entering the deck.

Jocasta nodded "Yeah. What's out next move?" she asked.

"No idea," Cid said taking out his pack of cigarettes and lighting one.

Jocasta sighed. They had no leader. They weren't sure Cloud was even going to make it. Tifa had to stay back in Mideel with him and that giant ball of death was still in the sky reminding them how it was only a matter of time before humanity's existence would cease.

"What can we do?" Jocasta asked, almost desperately.

Barret turned around facing her "Hol' on a sec! You ain't suggestin' we give up, do you?!"

"I'm sorry, but in case you haven't noticed, there are a bunch of monsters wreaking havoc, Cloud's a step before death, Tifa's a mess, and in case you haven't noticed, there's a giant hunch of death in the sky, approaching closer with every second, so forgive me if I sound pessimistic!" Jocasta snapped.

"That's one pretty solid point, Joe," Cid said, puffing out his cigarette.

"We're all gonna die, so what?" Yuffie said entering the bridge. She placed her hands by her waist and she turned at Jocasta who shot her a deadly look.

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