Ch50 - Deathly Route

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In a few hours, Jocasta slipped out of her sleep when she felt Vincent's hand running through her hair. His fingers tangled in the messy locks and his breath hit her cheek as he spoke.

"We need to get up,"

Jocasta drew in a deep breath as she lifted her face off his chest, realizing that they had slept in the same position the entire night. Their bodies were still pressed against each other's, her palms were still flat over his bare, scarred chest. A faint morning light came from the window, and it reflected perfectly on his crimson eyes as he stared up at her and she looked down at him.

His hand found her neck. His fingers traced over the marks that he had given her last night, and for a moment he panicked. His thumb found her cheek "Did I hurt you?"

She chuckled. Her hand found his that was on her cheek. She grabbed his fingers with hers and she turned her face, pressing kisses on his fingers and his palm. "No... would I still be here if you had?"

He let out a sigh of relief, and all worries were instantly wiped away when she met his lips with hers and kissed him. His fingers found her hair as he pressed her face closer to his. For a moment, his heart hammered against his chest when he realized, that what had happened last night, it wasn't a dream, it wasn't an illusion that was meant to mess with his mind. It had actually happened. He had actually taken her, and made her his, and those marks on her neck, her chest, her belly, they were his, and they were proof of that. His hands tightened around her when her lips closed around his. She was his. Mine.

But then he felt horrified when the thought of losing her snapped back into his mind. He was prepared to protect her from anything but he couldn't protect her from death. No, whatever was going to happen today he was going to protect her, even if it meant laying down his life for it. Her teeth sank on his lip, a little bit harsher than she intended to, but that knocked a grunt out of him, and she was suddenly so glad it did.

She couldn't hold a giggle back and she could've sworn he was almost smiling, but she urged herself to get off of him because she knew, if she stayed on top of him a little longer, they wouldn't make it to the crater today. Standing up was the tricky part. She stumbled on her wobbly legs, and thank Holy, she was fast enough to throw a hand by the bedside table and keep herself standing.

Vincent was already on his feet behind her. He had heard him zipping his pants, and his hand was already around her, helping her stand. He couldn't help but get panicked again. His hand was tight around her waist, his fingers spread on her stomach as he pressed her bare back on his chest in an effort to help her stand.

"Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" he asked worriedly again. His breath hit against the back of her neck, and her hands reached for his that were still holding tight around her belly.

He noticed a blush creeping across her pale cheeks as she rolled her head back on his shoulder and she pressed a kiss on his cheekbone. "You didn't hurt me, Vince. It's just..." she blushed even harder. Her fingers laced with his on her bare belly "...I hadn't... done this for a while,"

He chuckled as he pressed a kiss on her shoulder, making her bite her lip "Me neither," he said in her ear and she shivered a bit, but tried to snap out of it. It was no time to act like horny teenagers. And maybe he too should stop holding her like that.

They pulled away from each other and started getting dressed. Vincent headed for breakfast first after she helped him buckle those endless straps of his shirt that he had, and even he found difficult to deal with them. It was still pretty early and she was sure that the others were still sleeping. Jocasta took a quick shower. She couldn't help but let her fingers trace over the tiny bite marks, and nips that he'd left on her neck, on her chest. She grinned. It would be tricky to hide those. She giggled to herself and immediately thought that she was acting ridiculous.

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