Ch91 - The Final Showdown Pt. 4: With You Till The End

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"Ha! I thought I heard a rat down here!"

He could recognize that voice. It was Hojo. Vincent could barely see anything outside of the Mako Tube when that cursed scientist walked in the lab. Lucrecia was there.

"And just what do you think you're doing with my... failed experiment?"

"Get out of my lab!" Lucrecia cried out but he cut her.

"Silence! I'm the one giving orders here!" Hojo reminded her, before he peeked at the monitors behind her. He approached them and she got in the way. He chuckled "Omega? And... Chaos?" he laughed as he turned and looked back at Vincent "I see. Another experiment? You're using this fine specimen to finish your Thesis, aren't you, Doctor?" he asked, amused.

"No! You're wrong! You're wrong! You're wrong!" Lucrecia cried out; her fingers dug in her hair as she shut her eyes.

"Am I? Once a scientist, always a scientist, I must say. How happy this fellow must be, helping his beloved even after he has began rotting away," and then he laughed but Jocasta walked in and Hojo's smile disappeared upon seeing her being there "What are you doing here?! If I recall correctly, you didn't like experimenting on human bodies,"

Jocasta walked towards Lucrecia and passed a hand around her shoulders. Lucrecia clutched on her friend's shirt as she cried on her shoulder. Jocasta shot a glare towards the mad, young scientist.

"What did you do to him?" She demanded. One hand around Lucrecia, the other fisting in anger, so tight, she could feel her nails clawing in the skin of her palm like a sharp knife.

Hojo laughed "Me? Do you think I'd waste the chance of putting that fine specimen to use?" He laughed "You're smart, Dr. Ernchester. You're not wasting your chance here either. Of course, he failed. But nevertheless, I got what I wanted," he let out another of his insane laughs "You two experiment for all I care!" he said and with that he walked out of the lab leaving them alone.

Jocasta ran a hand through Lucrecia's hair soothingly. Lucrecia looked up her and she wiped another tear that came running down her cheek.

"I'm not experimenting on him... this is not an experiment..."

It was, partly. He knew that the only reason Jocasta was there back then, was because she was the only one who could put the Protomateria in his chest. He didn't know how long it's been since he'd passed out, he just knew that when he opened his eyes, he noticed someone's hands around him, and the elevator was still going downwards. He felt a weight pressing on his forehead and he looked up seeing Jocasta. She had a peaceful expression on her face. Her eyes were closed, and her fingers were tight around his.

He realized his head was resting in her lap and he let out sigh of relief, closing his eyes for a moment. When she noticed movement, she opened her eyes and looked down at him. Her hand found his face, and he leaned on her touch and sighed again. His crimson eyes looked up at her and she looked worriedly down at him.

"How're you feeling?" She asked, stroking his cheek with her thumb, tenderly.

"I'm better now," He said. His hand let go of hers and reached for her face. He cupped her cheek, before he brought her down, guiding her to lean in and reach for his lips.

She kissed him and they both sighed in the kiss. Her lips lingered against his. Soft and trembling. His fingers slipped down her neck, keeping her head steady as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, meeting hers. Both moaned and shut their eyes and tried to hold onto that kiss for as long as they had.

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