The beginning

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(The cover for this book was designed by my friend Suwako20, But Y/n can look however you want her to)

Queen M/n, king Trollex's wife had just had there egg, it was a beautiful (f/c) egg with pixel patterns on it and (h/c) and
green hair on top, Trollex was overjoyed, but then, he looked at his wife.

She wasn't moving

She was still, her eyes were closed, and....she wasn't even breathing!

Alarmed, Trollex rushed towards her, shaking her shoulder gently, "M/n!? M/N!?" whats wrong are you ok!?"
She didn't open her eyes, she was motionless, she was......


Trollex stared at her in dread...



He turned to a doctor and midwife, his face laced with pain and dread "w-what happened to her!?" He yelled unintentionally, he was too distraught to watch the volume of his voice, he didn't want to believe she was actually....
The doctor swam over to the Queen of techno, placing two fingers to her neck, he sighed sadly, looking up at the king of techno with sad eyes.
"I'm so sorry my king, but....she really is gone" the doctor said sadly
Trollex froze in horror "h-how?" He whispered
"We can't be sure on how she..." he sighed "were going to have to take her away, I'm so sorry my king"
Trollex didn't react, he just continued to stare at his wife, tears rolled down his face rapidly and he let out choked sobs.

She looked like she was sleeping....God how he wished that was true.

The door opened and his younger brother and sister came in along with Beat (Tbdb)
"Hey, is everything ok? How's M/n and the egg doing?" Bliss Marina asked, looking around
"Yeah has the egg come yet!?" Synth asked excitedly, his eyes sparkling with joy
However, all three of them frowned when they noticed there older brother's distraught expression.
The doctor looked up at them sadly "you three need to step outside, there something I need to tell you" he said
Bliss and Synth glanced at their brother with worry and confusion before going outside and closing the door.
The doctor and midwife soon followed, glancing back at Trollex sadly before also leaving.
Trollex himself just stood there in shock, hoping this was all just a horrible nightmare....
He felt the pain building up in his chest more, it felt like he was being suffocated, like someone had placed a pile of large rocks on his chest. His eyes swelled up with hot tears, and finally...

He broke

He began to wail loud, tears rapidly streaming down his cheeks as he fell to his fins, collapsing on the floor while holding the egg in his arms close.
He was sure his cries could be heard from all around techno reef. But he paid no mind to that; he just continued to wail his lungs out, hastily taking in deep raspy breaths of air before screaming once again, sobbing uncontrollably in between.

Bliss, Synth, TBDB and the midwife and doctor were alarmed at the sudden cry, the techno siblings were about to zoom in and tend to their brother, but they were stopped by the doctor, saying that the king of techno needed some time alone.
Reluctantly, the two royal techno trolls left, in tears themselves.

A few hours later, Trollex was now on the floor, hugging the egg closely to him, sobbing. The servants had taken queen M/n away, Bliss Marina, Synth, Lily (One of the new servants) and tbdb were horrified and deeply upset by the news, and had tried to comfort him when they found him.
But he told them he needed some time alone.

Now he was rocking the egg back and fourth gently, looking down at it with soft, sad, but loving eyes, he raised his hand and gently stroked the egg. Sighing, he closed his eyes causing a few tears to slip out and roll down his blue pixel freckled cheeks, he held you closer to him and whispered "it'll be alright, my baby, daddy's here, daddy's right here" he didn't blame his child for M/n's death, not for a second did he think it was your fault, he felt sorry for you, you would have to grow up without a mother, but, your aunt Bliss marina would probably be like a mother figure to you?the king of techno sighed again, he had to make everything alright for you, he just had to.

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