A toxic nightmare part 1: Creeks interrogation

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This plot was also written by User47229343, we came up with the plot together, we worked on it for the past month so the chapters will come out quickly.
Also the drawing was made by user47229343

Creek sat in an interrogation room in loansome flats, some country trolls were questioning him.
"Creek, What did you mean that you were one of the trolls that poisoned queen M/n?"  a country troll said coldly, glaring at the pop troll
"I don't know what your talking about, I never said that!" Creek said for the eighth time, he had been in the interrogation room for hours now, it's how it had been for the past few weeks, it was becoming a repeating cycle, he would wake up in jail, country trolls would drag him to the interrogation room and keep him there for hours, questioning him on what he meant by saying he wasn't the only troll responsible, Creek would give no information at all and when it became midnight he would be thrown back in jail again. And then he'd Wake up and repeat the whole thing again. But he refused to break.

Until today

The male country troll investigator sighed, he turned to the other investigator and said "send them in"
The female detective nodded and left the room.
A few minutes later Trollex slammed the door open, glaring at the pop troll, Poppy and beat followed behind him, Beat looked angry and Poppy looked sad and very disappointed. She sat down in a nearby chair, looking at the ground sadly.
She couldn't believe what a monster her friend truly was, selling out her tribe was bad enough but what he had done to M/n and tried to do to You was too horrible for words.
"Creek!" Trollex growled "if you do not tell us the truth I will throw you in the ocean and have you fed to the sharks!"
Creek was silent for a few minutes, he sighed, there was no way he was getting out of this, he thought back to when the mysterious troll that gave him the order.
"Well, it started when I met this troll in pop troll forest" Creek began
5 years ago

It was late at night, the moonlight illuminated its surroundings giving off a nice effect.
Creek was wondering through pop troll forest, out for a walk.
Suddenly a hooded figure appeared right in front of him so fast that he stumbled back and fell in surprise
"W-who are you?" Creek stuttered fearfully, looking at the figure in fear, the figure was wearing a long balk cloak, a mask was covering his/her face and bright neon blue goggles were covering his/her eyes, it was at that moment he also noticed the troll had no legs, he/she was floating in mid air.
"Who I am is not important" the figure said, by the voice he could tell the troll was male, his voice sounded friendly but also menacing and cold at the same time.
"What do you want?" Creek asked, eyeing the troll suspiciously
"I need help with gathering some poisonous plants and leaves, I don't know this forest well, and I have been unable to find any so far" the troll replied
Creek backed away slightly "what will you do with those?" He asked
"I need to kill my Queen who is expecting an egg" the troll replied coldly
Once Creek found out he wasn't in any danger, he relaxed and asked "ok, will I get anything in return for this?"
The troll nodded, he then pulled something out of a satchel, it was a large bag.
"I will pay you millions, this bag is only one of a hundred, if you help me out with this, I will pay you millions"
Creek thought for a moment, sure he was pretty wealthy already,but he wanted more, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get that level of wealth.
The pop troll grinned evilly "what plants are you looking for?" 

**end of flashback**
Trollex was shaking with rage, tears of anger and sadness were welling up in his eyes and the pure shock that more trolls were involved was bad end but the realisation of his wife having been poisoned was something else, and the fact that it was a techno troll from his tribe was even more shocking, he truly never imagined anyone from his tribe would want to harm his family.
Poppy was looking down in shame and sadness, regretting not having Creek arrested the second he dared to show his face in pop village again.
"Did he say his name at any point after that?" A country troll detective asked
"No" Creek said, he had purposely left out the part about the troll offering him money, he wanted to mess around with them a little.
"Did you see what he looked like at all, did you see the colour of his tale fins?" A female country troll detective asked
"it was hard to see in the dark, but I think it was a blue colour" Creek lied
"Creek, is there anything else your not telling us? I feel like there's something your purposely leaving out" a male country troll said, getting impatient.
Creek shook his head "there's not, that's all I know"
"What plants did you pick?" The male country troll detective asked
"I can't remember" Creek muttered
"You can't remember!? You just retold an event that happened five years ago perfectly like it was yesterday and your saying you can't remember the plants you picked!?" Trollex yelled, unable to contain his anger any longer
"King Trollex, I understand this must be really hard for you, but please try to calm down" the male country troll detective said calmly, it took a few minutes, and Trollex calmed down enough not to strangle him but he was still very angry.
"Creek, I won't ask you again, what plants did you pick? If you keep refusing you will not like what we have planned" the male country troll detective said coldly.
Creek sighed in annoyance "one of them was called a Hemlock water dropwart, a white snakeroot, and I also gathered a small amount of deadly nightshade, after that, well.....he left with the plants and I never saw him again"
The detective county trolls looked at each other. He was lying, he wasn't telling the full story.
"Are you sure you never saw him again?" The male country troll detective asked suspiciously
Creek nodded "yes I'm sure, a day later he payed me by sending the money to me in a package, I never heard from him again after that" Creek said

He was lying, again

They have to send someone to seroconversion his house and see if they could find any further evidence.

The detectives sighed, the male country troll turned to his partner and said "send out some detectives to question trolls that are florists, maybe someone would know something"
He turned to Trollex and Poppy "Queen Poppy, king Trollex, you can leave now, we're done for today, thank you for coming, I promise we will get to the bottom of this"
The female detective left the room with Poppy, Trollex and the male country troll detective following behind her.
Right before they left, Trollex and Beat shot Creek a livid look, while poppy gave him a look of anger, sadness and betrayal.
Once they were gone, Creek smirked 'they'll never find them' he thought, chuckling darkly.

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