Helping your uncle with his fear

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You spotted your uncle talking to Poppy and Holly and smiled,  today, you were visiting him and was going to stay with him for a few days.
As you got closer, you overheard their conversation.
"I still feel bad, yeah sure the ride on the gondola with Minuet was fun that time, but I still feel bad about what happened in the tunnel of friendship" Synth sighed "I just wish I could get over my fear! Yo!"

You stopped in your tracks, he still hasn't gotten over his fear of the dark yet? You looked at your uncle sadly, feeling bad for him, poor uncle Synth...

Just then Holly spotted you, her sympathetic expression turned into one of pure joy "ah hey there little cutie! What a great surprise!" She exclaimed with excitement, galloping over to you and giving you a hug.
You giggled and hugged back, this also caught the attention of Poppy and Synth, the two trolls turned around and smiled brightly at the sight of you.
"Hey there little cupcake!" Poppy greeted happily, following an excited Synth.
She took you in her arms and gave you a big hug which you gladly returned.
"Ah glow stick! Your here!" Synth exclaimed happily as Poppy handed you over to him and he gave you a big hug.
"It's so good to see you again my glow stick! I missed you a lot!"
You smiled and hugged back, snuggling into his chest "I missed you too uncle Synthe!"

"Awwww!" You heard Poppy and Holly say.
You then frowned as you remembered the conversation that he, Poppy and Holly had. "Uncle Synthe, I...I heard what you and aunt Holly and aunt Poppy were talking about..." you muttered, looking up at your uncle with a sympathetic expression.

Synth froze and looked away with a nervous frown, sighing sadly "'s true my glow stick, I still haven't over come it..." he confessed, sounding defeated.

You looked at him sadly, feeling even more sorry for him then before "don't worry uncle Synth, I'll help you get over this, I promise" you Said with determination.
Synth gave you a soft, warm smile and kissed you on the cheek, feeling great full that you were willing to help him out. "thank you glow stick"
"And we'll help out again too!" You heard Holly say, seeing the queen of pop and country troll ambassador also looking determined.

You smiled at them, this shouldn't be too hard.

This was impossible...
You stood beside Holly and Poppy, looking at your uncle in concern as he continued to freak out, he had a sleep mask placed over his eyes and was holding a rock to help, but no matter what he held he couldn't seem to calm down...
You frowned worriedly as you watched him squeeze the rock in his hands, hard, panting and sweating.
Holly was holding a timer and was checking how long he was keeping it up, you also peeked at it and saw that he had currently lasted 3 minutes and 30 seconds...
Hopefully he could keep doing well... maybe you could encourage him a little?
"Your doing great uncle Synth!" You said softly, glancing at him and the timer.

The techno ambassador looked over in the direction your voice had came from and a nervous smile appeared on his face "t-thanks glow stick..." however though in that moment, he squeezed the rock so hard that it slipped out of his hands and began bouncing around the room like a ball.

"Take cover!" Holly cried, dropping the timer and ducking down along with Poppy.
At that moment Synth threw his sleeping mask off and rushed to you, quickly pulling you in his arms protectively and covering your small body with his tale so you wouldn't get hurt by the rock, which eventually flew out of the window and disappeared in the distance.
all sighed with relief and got up, Synth was still holding you tightly.
"sorry girls" he sighed, absentmindedly playing with your h/c and green hair.

You hugged him to comfort him "it's ok uncle Synthe" you said softly, snuggling into his chest making him smile a little.
"Alright, let's do this again" Synth said with a sigh, but he looked determined this time as he placed the sleep mask over his eyes.
The same result happened again, he was clutching another rock you had given him tightly, looking petrified once more.
You looked at him sadly, wishing that you could help him through this. Actually, maybe you could?...

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