The new girl

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This chapter was requested by Hardcoreshipper2020, thank you for the idea 😁

Oh this was annoying
This new girl had arrived into school, and she was awful. She was Exactly like Valentino.
She is a country troll, her name is Sunflower Buttons. She is seven years old. She had brown eyes, red skin, and magenta coloured hair that was tied up in a ponytail, a rose pink coloured horse body, and a magenta coloured tale. She mostly wore a light pink shirt which had dark red sparkly letters on it saying 'the most beautiful girl in the world' and a sunflower necklace.
She was so rude and was known to be a bully to all the troll kids there, everyone is terrified of her.
She is extremely jealous of you because you are a princess and because her crush likes you.

And her crush is Dexter.

She is completely head over heels in love with the funk troll, he was the only kid in the school who she was actually nice too. She would blush around him and call him things like honey and cutie.

Dexter himself wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, he hated how she treated you and how rude she was. But she seemed oblivious to his hatred towards her.

You and your friends had just left class and you were heading into recess, that is when you saw Sunflower in the playground, she was yelling at a pop troll child, and it seems she had two friends.
One was a female funk troll child, she had rose gold coloured fur and light pink stripes over her body, blue eyes and baby pink hair.
The other was a female classical troll, she had pink hair, the same golden glittery skin that all classical trolls had, green eyes, and she wore a pearl necklace and a yellow dress.
You weren't sure why those trolls wanted to be friends with her anyway.
Sunflower then spotted Dexter and instantly galloped over "Oh hi Dexi kins I didn't see you there~" she said in a sickening sweet voice.
"Move it" She said harshly as she shoved you out of the way and wrapped her arm around Dexter who looked angry and extremely uncomfortable.
"So cutie, I've been thinking, would you like to come with me to my favourite place in all of troll kingdom after school?" She asked battering her eyelashes
Dexter looked disgusted and shoved her arm off of his neck "no, sorry but I was planning to hang out with my friends after school" he said calmly, backing away from her
She huffed looking disappointed/annoyed, she trotted over and grabbed his arm
"Listen Dexi, you are coming with me after school, and you are going to do whatever I want you to!" She said
You flew over to them and floated in front of Dexter protectively "he doesn't want you, so get lost!" You snapped your friends also stood by you glaring at her.
Sunflower stomped her hoof on the ground angrily, her friends also backed her up once they saw what was happening.
"Why don't you get lost you spoilt princess!" She said smirking and crossing her arms smugly
You fake pouted and put on a obviously fake sad face "oh wow, wow ow, such an insult, why don't you think of something better to call me you disease ridden acne infected cockroach!" You yelled glaring at her
All the kids had stopped what they were doing and were now looking at you and the others. Your friends laughed and chuckled at the insult, Dexter high fived you.
Sunflower's friends gasped looking disgusted and horrified
Sunflower looked enraged, tears of anger swelling in her eyes, she then lunged at you but you saw it coming and grabbed Dexter quickly dodging her attempted attack.
She turned round and charged at you again, but you dodged once more, however though she unexpectedly lunged at you a second later and had you pinned to the ground, your friends desperately tried to pull her off of you but had no luck.
you tried pushing her off of you but every time she'd grab your hand and slam it to the floor, you made one last attempt and unintentionally got your hand caught under her necklace, she slammed your hand down once more causing sunflower necklace to snap off. She gasped and let go of you and you quickly flew a few feet backwards.
She looked at you, she looked so angry that it sent a shiver down your spine
"You broke my necklace!!" She roared
She was about to charge at you again when suddenly a teacher grabbed her
"What on earth is going on here!?" The teacher said
Sunflower looked up at the teacher with a obviously fake sad face "m-m-miss Stargaze, princess Y-Y/n called me names and attacked me, I-I was only defending myself!"
All off the kids began booing and yelling in anger, your friends looked angry and were about to say something, but unfortunately the teacher said "quiet children, princes Y/n, Sunflower, you are both heading to the principals office, fighting in school and calling each other names is unacceptable"
"But miss Stargaze, Sunflower was the one who started it, she was bothering Dexter and when I told her to stop she insulted me and when I insulted her back she got angry and attacked me, all of the other kids here witnessed it" you explained
"But miss Stargaze princess Y/n broke my favourite necklace!" Sunflower cried, pointing to the remains of the Sunflower necklace
"That is enough, you are both going to the principal's office so this can be sorted out properly and so well deserved punishments will be given, your parents will be called in as well, now to the principal" she said pointing down the hall
You sighed and began flying down the hall, you heard your friends trying to convince the teacher to let you off but you doubted it would work.
You and Sunflower sat outside of the principal's office waiting for your parents to come in, you could tell Sunflower was glaring at you but you didn't look at her, you didn't want to start another fight.
The door opened and revealed two adult country trolls, the female one had light pink skin, a rose pink horse body, magenta coloured hair and a light blue coloured tale, and pink eyes.
The male one had red skin, blue hair, a slightly darker blue tale, brown eyes, a dark red horse body and he wore a cowboy hat.
They both looked angry.
You mentally rolled your eyes, god this was a repeat of Valentino and his parents. Actually, Valentino and Sunflower would make a great couple.
"Mommy daddy!" Sunflower cried galloping to her parents "it was horrible! She acted like a wild animal and she called me awful names and she broke my necklace!"
"My poor little star, don't worry mommy and daddy will get her kicked out" the mother said petting Sunflower on the head and glaring at you.
The four of you had entered the principal's office, now you just had to wait for your dad to arrive.
A few minutes later your dad came in the room, he flew over to you and sat down, he looked at you with a soft gentle expression.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice, as you may have heard Princess Y/n and Sunflower got into a fight, I have been told that princess Y/n was the one who started it" the principal said
"My little girl would never start a fight ever! She is the most sweet, kind and gentle child i have the pleasure of being a father too, and Sunflower attacked her! She should be thrown out of the school!" Your dad yelled looking Livid and glaring at the country troll family.
"Yeah it wasn't my fault principle blueberry, Sunflower was bothering my friend, when I told her to stop she insulted me so I insulted her back, she got angry and attacked me pinning me to the ground, I tried to push her off but she kept pinning my hands down, when I tried to push her off again, my hand got caught in her necklace and when she slammed my hand down again causing the necklace to snap, I already told the teacher this and a lot of other kids along with my friends witnessed what really happened, you can ask one of them if you don't believe me" you explained calmly, but on the inside you were nervous, you didn't want to get kicked out of school for something that wasn't even your fault.
The principal looked thoughtful for a few moments
"How bad was the insult that princess Y/n said to you Sunflower?" The principal asked looking at her
"Oh it was awful! She called me a disease ridden acne infected cockroach!" She cried dramatically
Her parents gasped in horror while your dad looked surprised but you could've sworn you saw him trying not to laugh.
The principal looked deep in thought and then said "alright, for Sunflower's punishment she will be suspended for five weeks for attacking another student, and as for princess Y/n's punishment she will have detention after class for an hour for the insult, you may all leave now"
Sunflower and her parents looked enraged, your dad sighed and nodded "ok, thank you Principal Blueberry"
He then picked you up and flew out of the room, as he closed the door and flew away you heard yelling from the inside, you couldn't quite here what they were saying though.
You looked up at your dad "are you mad daddy?" You asked worriedly, he looked down at you and smiled softly
"No baby, I'm not mad. You did nothing wrong and you won't be grounded ether, what happened was entirely on her"
He nuzzled your nose with his and kissed you on the forehead, recess had begun so your dad dropped you off in the playground and had to leave, after saying goodbye you went over to your friends.
"Hey Y/n, how'd it go with the principal?" Clampers asked
"I got a punishment for the insult, I have detention for an hour, but luckily Sunflower got suspended for five weeks" you replied
"It's sucks that you get punished for this, you used the best insult too!" Clampers said
"The good news is is that we won't get to see that annoying plastic doll wannabe for five weeks" Dexter said
"But when she comes back and If she bothers us again, we'll be ready for her!" Clampers said
You all agreed, and at that moment you saw Sunflower and her parents walking out of the school, Sunflower glared at you looking livid.

You glared back at her, when she came back you truly would be ready.

I'm working on other requests, get ready for more

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