You have a nightmare

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This chapter was requested by Nikkiwolf8247, thank you for the request ☺️

You were suddenly in an unknown location surrounded by many different genre trolls, none of which you recognised. You noticed they were all looking at something and talking, their facial expressions looked panicked, mournful and downright horrified.
That alone scared you, the feeling of fear only growing...
What were they all looking at that was scaring them?
You gently pushed past them and made your way to the front of the crowd, and felt your entire body freeze and your heart drop in terror.

There, you saw your father, but he was slumped against a tree, a sword was lodged in his chest and he was sitting in a pool of his own blood, his eyes were open, but they had no signs of life in them, they were glossy and emotionless, so was his expression...

He....he was dead?

You felt sick, he was really dead...but how?
Who killed him!? Freddy was gone, who did this!?


You gasped and shot up, looking around in panic, your heart was pounding and the alarmed feeling wasn't leaving. your eyes darted around the room in panic, it took you a few minutes to realise were you actually were.
That....that was terrifying, it felt so real...
You whimpered a little, you wanted to go to your dad...but you didn't know how to put what you had seen into words...
You looked over at a small round table you had, and saw some crayons and kelp like lapsed on it.
You slowly hot out of bed and swam over, and shakily picked up a crayon and slowly drew what you saw.
When you had finished, you quickly swam to your dad's room quickly. the drawing itself wasn't the best because your hands wouldn't stop shaking tried.

You opened his door and swam over to him and gently shook his right arm with your free hand.
Trollex slowly opened his eyes, when he saw you stabding by the side of his bed loooking terrified he immediately sat up feeling alarmed, a worried expression replaced his tired one and all drowsiness he felt had gone and he was now wide awake with worry.
"What's the matter baby? Are you hurt!? Are you sick!?" He asked worriedly, checking for any injuries.
You shook your head and handed him the drawing "I....I saw this in my dream... it was scary" you whimpered, feeling your eyes tear up at the memory.
Trollex looked at the drawing, the worried look on his face remained, it took a few minutes for his tired brain to process what it was but when he did, he looked horrified.
He quickly snapped out of his horrified state and looked down at you worriedly
"Oh baby, come here" he said in a soothing tone, his eyes full of worry and sympathy.
He placed the drawing on a nearby bedside table And picked you up, hugging you close.
You whimpered a little, and buried your face in his chest, the shocked feeling still remained.
Trollex wrapped his tale around you and kissed you on the forehead "shhhh, it's ok baby, everything is alright, it was just a nightmare, it's ok" he cooed gently
"But....but it felt so real...." you whimpered, shivering a little.
He hugged you closer and rocked you back and forth, looking down at you in worry "shhhh" he cooed gently "it wasn't real, it didn't happen, see? I'm ok, it was only a bad dream" he explained in a gentle tone.
You began to calm down a little at hearing that, but the feeling of fear still remained. You cuddled closer to him, wrapping your small arms around him and burying your face into his neck.
Trollex hugged you closer, looking down at you with a worried expression.
It took 13 minutes until you fully calmed down, once Trollex made sure you were fully calm, he took you back to your room and placed you in your bed.
You whimpered and reached out for him as he pulled the covers over you.
"Shhh it's ok baby, I'm not leaving you" he said softly, sitting down next you, caressing your cheek gently, staying there until you fell asleep.
He made a mental note to himself to try and prevent you from seeing stuff like...that...if it ever happened again that is. That day and the weeks leading up to that day had been too much for a toddler and the drawing was proof of it, he just hoped you would be alright.
He then noticed you had fallen asleep, he smiled softly and kissed you on the forehead. Standing up, but before he was about to leave he stopped and looked at you, feeling bad for leaving you alone after a nightmare, he picked you up, cradling you as he swam to his room.

He got in his bed, laying down while hugging you close.
and tried to sleep, he tossed and turned uncomfortably, unfortunately for him, he was unable to sleep, instead he was focusing on what he can do to help you move on from your trauma which he unintentionally caused you when he battled with Freddy.
He felt guilty about the prank he pulled, but then again, it was the only way he could defeat Freddy, he had no choice but to do what he did.
He hoped you would be alright, and that you'd understand when you get older...

He will definitely ask Lily if she could help you get over your trauma, since she is pretty good with kids.
He sighed and closed his eyes, finally falling asleep.

When Trollex opened his eyes, he felt something snuggling against him; looking down, he saw you now laying next to him; hugging your beloved seahorse plushie tightly while you sucked your thumb in your sleep.

Trollex smiled warmly and gently wrapped his arm around you, kissing you in the forehead.
He loved you so much.

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