You get a fever

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This chapter was requested by mgibbons5603, thank you for the idea ☺️

When you came home from school, you made sure to go straight to the bathroom and wash your hands as best you could.
There was a flu going around at your school, and kids were catching it every day.
All of your friends had been affected by it and had to stay home, and you couldn't even visit them in case you caught it too.
"Did you wash your hands?" Your father asked as he came into the bathroom, looking worried.
The flu had began a week ago, and ever since then Trollex made 100% sure that you immediately washed your hands as soon as you got home, he would hate for you to get sick like the others. He couldn't stand seeing his baby Ill.
"yeah, I just did it now" you responded after drying your hands on your personal pink towel.
Trollex seemed relived but still felt a little worried. He couldn't explain why, but he had a feeling that something was going to happen, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it...

Time skip

Trollex closed the storybook he had read you for your bedtime story and placed it back in the bookshelf before giving you a kiss on your cheek "sweet dreams my angel" he said softly before leaving.
You shifted into a more comfortable positions in your bed, hugging your seahorse plushie close to you. You felt the slight sensation of a soar throat coming on, and you felt your body ache slightly. You frowned and snuggled further into the soft bedsheets, It made you worry just a little, because that's mainly how all your friends felt the day before they woke up with it.
You sighed and closed your eyes, hoping to get some sleep. It was probably nothing anyway, you'd probably just wake up and feel completely fine. At least, you hoped.

                 ☀️The next morning☀️

You woke up and felt awful.
The slight aching from last night had grown a lot stronger, your throat felt itchy and dry and a lot worse from last night, and to make things worse you now had new symptoms; such as a headache, a cough, you felt weak, and you were burning up. Not to mention your nose was stuffy and it was already annoying you.
You groaned and began shivering despite feeling quite warm, but luckily the shivering woke up Iris, who had been laying next to you asleep, until now.
The rainbow colored beat drop button fish slowly opened her eyes after feeling you shiver.
"Y/n? Are you ok?" She asked tiredly, looking over at you with a sleepy but concerned expression.

You shook your head and coughed, making Iris wince a little at how rough your coughing sounded. Once you were done with your coughing fit, she looked over at you feeling more worried. Yeah...something was definitely wrong with you...

"I...I don't feel so good..." you managed to say, the coughing had helped clear your throat a little, so you could now speak without sounding horrible, but you still did sound quite raspy.

Iris sighed and looked at you sympathetically, already knowing exactly what you had. Just last night she was worrying when you were going to catch it.
"I'll go get your parents" she said before zooming out of the room and down the LED halls as fast as she could.

You continued to shiver, trying to find a somewhat comfortable posting while clutching your seahorse plushie tightly, hoping to find some comfort. felt awful, you couldn't remember ever feeling this bad with a cold. Well, it wasn't exactly a cold. It was a million times worse...

"Baby girl, Iris told us you aren't feeling well..." you heard your father say, his voice full of worry.
You looked over and saw your parents looking down at you with a deep concern, your mother was holding a thermometer, some medicine and a towel.
You sighed "I don't feel good at all, it's so hot, and everything hurts..." you whimpered, tears building up in your eyes.
"Oh baby girl..." your father cooed, swimming over and stroking your cheek gently "shhh, it'll be ok..."
he then placed a hand on your forehead and frowned worriedly, you were burning up.
Lily quickly caught on and placed the items she held in her hands on your bedside table, but she placed the small towel on your head, the towel was quite cold and the sudden feel of the cool cloth on your head made you shiver a little more than you were, and it didn't feel too great.
You whined and tried to take it off, but your father gently grabbed your hands and guided them away from the towel.
"It's cold daddy..." you whimpered, holding onto his hands tightly.
"I know my angel" he cooed softly, placing his left hand on your cheek and stroking it gently."but it'll bring your fever down and help you feel a little better, ok?"

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