Dexter gets jelous

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Dexter wasn't too happy

You see, ever since you made friends with Oscar, you and him have been getting.....closer.
You would hug, make techno/rock music together and you two had a lot in common as well, at first Dexter didn't mind all that much, after all it was no different to what you did with your other friends, but the problem was is that you did it more with him than anyone else.
And it bothered him.
Right now, you and Oscar had just finished another rock/techno duet, you two high fived and talked about how great it was and complemented each other on how well you did.
Dexter frowned at the sight, watching you laugh and smile so sweetly at him made Dexter feel slightly pissed, He didn't realise that Clampers had noticed.
The young country troll looked over to see her friend looking angry, confused, she trotted over to him
"You ok Dex?" She asked
Dexter sighed and looked at Clampers "do you think that....Y/n and Oscar are getting....closer?" He asked her
Clampers blinked, processing what he had just said. She then started laughing making Dexter confused
"Hahaha Dex buddy, Y/n only see's Oscar as a friend, if it's about her spending more time with him then it's because she just wants to get to know him better, she told me herself, she just wants to get to know the guy better, so you don't have anything to worry about"
Dexter felt sighed, feeling relieved at hearing this, however though his relief turned to shock when he saw you standing behind him with a sympathetic look on your face.

Oh god

Had you heard everything!?

"Oh Raspberry, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way!" You then stated rambling on about how sorry you were and that you and Oscar were just friends.

Dexter gently grabbed your Hands and smiled at you
"It's ok pearl, i know you didn't" he kissed your hands making you blush
You smiled at him,
"Do you wanna go play at my home?" You asked
He smiled
You both went off in a different direction talking about what your next song was gonna be.

Clampers chuckled and crossed her arms
"There so gonna get married"

Sorry for the short chapter, the other ones will be better and longer👍

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