Christmas with Veneer (🎄Christmas special🎄)

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A/N: kingtrollexfangirl19 helped me with the plot. And merry Christmas guys!


Today was Christmas Day.
Techno reef was filled with festive lights and decorations. Techno trolls were all inside celebrating the holiday with their families.

After the main celebration was done, you retreated to your room, using the teleporting device you made it to Mount Rageous in seconds with a gift for Veneer in your hair.
The day before you and Floyd agreed to secretly visit Veneer for Christmas and spend time with him, the poor guy had nobody else to spend it with.
Your cover story was that you went to spend some time with your friends so nobody would get suspicious; Floyd also made a similar excuse.
You would both be back before Christmas dinner.

You walked through the city of Mount Rageous, heading to Veneer's home; the place was just as festive looking as techno reef with lights and decorations everywhere.
The streets were empty due to everyone being at home celebrating; save for a few Mount Rageions out with family or friends to admire the decorations.

Suddenly it began to snow, you didn't think much of it and wrapped your scarf around your neck a little tighter to keep warm.

But in minutes the snow turned into a full blown blizzard.
You shivered; freezing. You couldn't get to any cover because you were quite far from the city, Veneer lived in a suburb area now which was 40 minutes from the city itself and what was worse was that you could hardly see where you were going now; the snow hiding any building from your view. You couldn't use the teleporting device since the weather was so bad. You remembered R&B saying that if there was bad weather then the device wouldn't work. You cursed yourself for teleporting to the main city and not Veneer's house, you had wanted to see the decorations mount rageous had first before visiting him.

You forced yourself to keep going; you had to be close... you hoped anyway.


Veneer and Floyd glanced at the clock nervously; you were ten minutes late. You were never usually late...
Veneer was wearing a red Christmas sweater with white stars and the classic Christmas pudding on it; he was also wearing reindeer slippers and grey fluffy pants. While Floyd's sweater was powder blue and had silver snowflakes and starts on.
Each room was decorated; the living room having a large Christmas tree with Floyd's present sitting under it, Veneer had already given Floyd his gift.
All that was missing was you.
Their concern got worse when the blizzard suddenly hit.
"You don't think Y/n's out in that don't?..." Veneer asked, panic rising in his chest.

Floyd shivered in dread; it was unusual that you were late and then the blizzard....

"Stay here" Floyd grabbed his coat and put it on "I'm going out to look for her"

Veneer jumped up, looking at his friend in disbelief "and I'm coming with you!" He grabbed his coat "it's insane for you to go out there alone! You might get lost as well!"
Floyd nodded as the teen picked him up and gently placed him in his coat pocket, he put on some snow boots and immediately headed out into the freezing cold land.


You stood still trying to warm yourself but failing; it was so cold...
Just as you were getting colder heard someone.

"Oh my god! There you are! Floyd I found her!"

You recognised that voice; it was Veneer!

You heard the snow crunching under frantic footsteps and felt yourself being lifted up; you shivered; Veneer's hands were ice cold. Poor guy must have forgotten to put his gloves on.

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