You meet Creek

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This was requested by Smurfytroll, thank you for the idea 😁
Creek, a pop troll who was willing to sell out his entire tribe purely to save his own life, and he was forgiven because he said sorry. Seriously!?
You had heard what had happened from a few pop troll kids in school, and you did not understand how he could be forgiven so easily, it's not like he saved any one or did anything worthy of forgiveness, he just said he was sorry and the pop trolls instantly welcomed him back into there tribe.
You didn't get it, Creek clearly valued his own life more than anyone else's and they just forgave him in seconds, no punishments, no cruel treatment, nothing. He was treated like any other troll was, it was like nothing ever happened. And you didn't get that.
When everyone else found out, the other tribes seemed to think the exact same things you did. However though, once Poppy had heard everyone's skepticism towards Creek, she decided to invite everyone to the centre of pop village/trollstopia and prove that Creek is a good guy, thats what her invitation said.
Everyone had arrived in the centre of pop village/trollstopia, Poppy had called all the leaders and ambassadors up on a mushroom platform to talk to them about something.
"Ok guys, I know this will probably be really hard for you because you know what he's done and everything, but he truly has changed now and he hasn't tried to hurt anyone so far, so are you all ok with this?" Poppy asked
The leaders and ambassadors mumbled in worry, looking uncertain.
Before Poppy could say anything else a familiar purple pop troll landed on the mushroom platform, Creek.
"Ah Creek, nice to see you" Poppy said smiling at him
"And it is nice to see you two Poppy" Creek said in a calm tone of voice
"Creek, these are the leaders of the other troll tribes, the leaders are Queen Essence and King Quincy, leaders of the funk trolls, Delta Dawn leader of the country trolls, king Trollzart leader of the classical trolls, Queen Barb leader of the rock trolls, and King Trollex who is king of the techno trolls and his daughter princess Y/n, I assume you already know the ambassadors names, right?" Poppy asked
Creek nodded and bowed respectfully "it is a pleasure your majesties"
Everyone except Poppy exchanged nervous glances towards each other, your dad gently picked you up and held you close in a protective way.
"I understand you all need time, but believe me when I say that I truly have changed and regret what I did, I hope you can all find it in your hearts to forgive me" Creek said softly
Everyone still looked sceptical, but agreed to give him a chance, but you still weren't so convinced.
As the party went on, everyone seems to be warming up to Creek, everyone except you and your dad.
Creek was stood on top of the mushroom like platform "everyone, thank you for being so friendly, it's nice to know that not everyone is still angry at me over what happened, and I want you all to know that I am truly a changed troll and I hope that you all forgive me for everything"
"just as long as the pop trolls are ok with this" Delta said
"Well it's been a year since the incident and you haven't caused any trouble since then, so I'm giving you a chance" Holly said
Trollzart and Dante nodded along with Queen Essence, King Quincy and Lownote Jones, Val gave him a uneasy look but slowly nodded with the others "just so you know, I'm gonna be watching you!" She said glaring at him.
"Eh were good man, it may take a little getting used to though" Barb said
"You do seem like you have changed, so we're good, I guess" Synth said, but he still looked slightly uncertain, your dad nodded but also had a slightly uneasy look on his face.
All the other tribes cheered in agreement.

You suddenly felt everyone's eyes on you

Glancing up for a quick second, you were correct when you saw literally everyone looking at you.
You crossed your arms and continued to stare at the ground, the sight of him repulsed you, this party hadn't helped at all.
"What's the matter little one, don't have anything to say to me?" You heard Creek say in a soft voice. Ugh, whenever he spoke to anyone it sounded like he was mocking them, his voice was just automatically patronising
You said nothing, you still stared down at the floor, refusing to look at him.
An awkward silence went by for a couple of minutes, the only sounds that could be heard was the wind blowing and pop music in the distance. Everyone was waiting for you to say something.
"Well uh hehehe, who's ready for the next song!" Poppy said chuckling nervously, with a nervous smile on her face as she glanced at you and Creek.
This luckily distracted everyone.
As everyone was distracted with partying you slipped away to the lake, you needed to get away.
You sighed as you sat down and placed your tale in the water, you didn't get what everyone else saw in Creek, he seemed patronising and he just, like he was faking the sympathy and remorse he was showing.
You heard footsteps behind you, you turned around to see, oh god, him.
"Why hello there princess Y/n, mind if I ask you something?" He asked looking smug
"Uhh, sure?" You said looking suspicious
"Why didn't you say anything back there?" He asked and chuckled dryly, like he was secretly angry about something
"Oh well just didn't want to talk at that moment" you said
The smug smile left his face and was now replaced with a frown
"Stop with that, I know exactly why, everyone else has already forgiven me, why can't you?" He asked sounding irritated
"Why!?" You yelled, your patience was already wearing thin, plus the feeling that he was up to something wouldn't go away.
"I'll tell you why, you were willing to sacrifice your entire tribe for your own life! I'm sorry but I cannot forgive that" you crossing your arms
He growled in anger and clenched his fists "I was just terrified for my life, I didn't have a choice!" He yelled
For a troll that was know to be incredibly calm, he was pretty hot headed
"No you did have a choice! But you chose the worst one, your nothing more than a cowardly manipulative selfish pathetic dirt covered leach that sucks on the lives of others purely for your own survival and I can tell that you don't feel a shred of remorse for what you did!" You yelled glaring at him.
He stood there in shock for a few minutes, trembling with rage. But suddenly he looked very, very angry.
Before you could even react, he leaped at you, pinning you to the ground.
"you little brat! I'm going to tear you to Pieces for that!" He yelled
You tried to struggle out of his grip but it was pointless, he was a lot stronger than you.
He raised his first and was about to punch you, you closed your eyes bracing yourself.

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