You try whirlpool stunts....again

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This chapter was requested by Smurfytroll, thank you for the idea ☺️

You were hanging out at the park with your friends, until a familiar green techno troll child came up to you.
"Hey guys, my name is Coral Blush, is it ok if I hang out with you guys too?" He asked
You all nodded "sure thing, we were just about to pay tag, wanna join in?" Clampers asked
Coral Blush nodded "Yes please"
You all played with each other for a while, enjoying your time with them.
Clampers then said to you "Hey Y/n, how do you do whirlpool surfing?"
"Ah it's easy, I just have to surf on the water with my tale, me my daddy and my uncle have had races together, however though I'm not allowed to do the stunts older techno trolls do on whirlpools, my daddy says I'm to young, plus I did it a week ago and he was really mad" you said
"Don't worry, he doesn't have to know" Cloud said
You thought for a few minutes, if you played it safe then no one would get, cloud was right your dad wouldn't know
"Ok, let's do it, but first we're gonna need lots of giant leaves" you said
"What?" Everyone said looking at you in confusion

Once all the leaves were tied around everyone's feet, acting like skies, you taught all your friends (one at a time) how to whirlpool surf, and they all got the hang of it pretty quickly and now you were all racing around on the water.
"Hey guys, there's a whirlpool you wanna do the stunts?" Clampers asked pointing to a nearby whirlpool.
You were about to say something but then decided not to, you didn't really see any harm in it, it's not like it would send you all flying into the air.
You all got into the perfect position, and then raced towards the whirlpool.
You slid around the whirlpool and did a hand stand and managed to do a back flip, your friends also slid around and did similar stunts as you.
However though, as you slid down and launched yourself in the air to high, you panicked, you hadn't been taught how to land.
You ended up landing in a bunch bushes, you hurt your nose but by some miracle nothing was broken.
You then heard screams of surprise/fear above you, you looked up and saw your Friends in the air....falling down towards you.
Before you could even move an inch they all landed beside you, ending up in a pile on the floor.
You checked them for any serious injuries, and by another amazing miracle nothing was broken, there were mainly a few cuts and scratches on your friends, it was nothing horrible.
but for you, you now had a nosebleed.
Your friends were already grabbing leaves to act as tissues for your nose, they didn't really do much but you appreciated the help.
"Oh god Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Clampers said, wrapping her tale around you comfortingly.
"It's ok Clamps, it's not your fault" you said, wincing in pain slightly.
After a while, your nose was still bleeding, it worried your for an entirely different reason.
"Hey, Y/n, we should get you to a doctor for your nose" Oscar said, looking concerned
"I would but we can't let anyone know we did this, if a random troll finds out, they'll tell my daddy, or uncle Synth or aunt Bliss, no one can know" You said, looking worried
"Why?" Dexter asked, wrapping his arm around you comfortingly
"They all made it clear that I was not allowed to do the stunts until I'm older, I'm gonna be in so much trouble if ether one of them tfinds out"
"I have an idea, how about we make something up" Clampers said
"Are you sure that'll work?" Symphony asked
"Don't worry, I'm a master at lying. Ok so, when anyone asks what happened to us, lest say that we were playing tag and we all fell down a hill and into some bushes, and for Y/n let's say that she flew into a tree while playing tag! Now How dose that sound?" Clampers said
Dexter then said "uh...I don't know, no offence Clamps but that sounds a little off, why would we all fall down the hill at the exact same time? Plus what if someone asked us to show them where we fell and there would be no evidence. how about we-"

"Just tell them the truth to begin with and not lie?" A familiar voice said, cutting Dexter off

"Wait what!? Are you insane? Which one of you said that?" Clampers asked looking at each of you. She then noticed the look of fear on your faces.
"Clamps, look behind you" you said, backing away in fear
Clampers looked behind her and froze at the sight, she saw all her aunt and the leaders glaring at you all.
" much did you hear?" You asked nervously
"Enough" your dad said flatly, a stern expression was on his face.
"Clampers, were going home, right now!" Delta said angrily, picking Clampers up and trotting away
The rest of the leaders took your friends back to their parents, you also heard them being scolded, mainly for lying.
You were left alone with your dad, who looked angry/concerned.
"Y/n, we're going to the doctor to get your nose checked out, and then we're going straight home" he said picking you up.
You said nothing as he flew to the doctor's pod.

You were in so much trouble.

After getting checked by doctor Moonbloom, your nose was fine and you were free to go home.
On the way home you and your dad was completely silent, it made you shiver, he was probably thinking of ways to punish you.
Once you got home he ordered you to go to your room, which you immediately did.
You now sat on your bed, anxiously waiting for him to come in.
The door opened and he swam in, he had a stern look on his face "Y/n M/n Ramos, what were you thinking? What did I tell you the last time about whirlpool stunts!?" He growled
However instead of backing down, you were suddenly feeling cocky "the last time I did it I was fine, I thought it would be ok! What happened this time was an accident, there won't be any next time"
Your dad looked surprised by your behaviour, however his expression changed and he glared at you "watch your tone young lady, and there won't be a next time, you won't do stunts like that again until your eighteen!"
"You can't always be there to stop me, I can do it whenever I want!" You said, raising your voice a little
"Y/n, if you continue with this attitude you will be in more trouble then you already are" He said sternly
You crossed your arms and turned away, sulking.
"Y/n I'm talking to you! Look at me when I'm speaking to you!"
You said nothing, and you didn't turn around
Trollex sighed and ran a hand down his face "ok, that's it. Your grounded for a week for disobeying me a second time, I hope this will get through to you" He said
You still didn't turn around
He sighed and left the room "what am I going to do with her" he muttered to himself.

Later on at night; you began to feel guilty about how you acted towards him, deciding to apologise you climbed out of bed and swam to his office. He should still be working as it wasn't very late.
Once you reached the large navy blue LED door you gently knocked on it. Hoping he was actually still in there.
"Come in..." you heard his voice say from inside the room; he sounded kind of distant.

You pushed open the door and swam in; his office room was colorful as was any part of the LED castle.
The walls had pixel patterns on them and the walls were a dark blue color except it looked brighter because the color was neon.
The floor was a slightly light shade of cyan and a white clam rug sat in the middle of the room while your father's large purple LED desk sat in the far end of the room; where a clam lamp lit up his workspace that had a kelp like paper sitting on it.
He was currently writing something when he looked up from the kelp like paper and saw you; he looked tired and a little confused; wondering what you were doing up late.
"Is something wrong baby?" He asked gently, setting his fish pen down on his desk.
You nodded and swam a little further to him
"Yeah...I'm sorry for how I acted before daddy, i didn't mean to..." you muttered, looking up at him sadly.

Trollex's concerned expression turned into a gentle one and he left his sponge chair; swimming over to you and picking you up.
"It's ok my baby, I know you didn't mean to act that way" he kissed you on the forehead and smiled at you lovingly.
You smiled back and snuggled his chest; listening to the sound of his soothing heartbeat.
The gentle thumping made you feel sleepy and you slowly closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When the king of techno felt you relax and your breathing deepen he looked down at you, smiling once he was you were fast asleep.
He sat back down on his sea sponge chair and held you close, loving stroking your cheek and gazing down at you with all the fatherly love in the world.

"Sweet dreams my angel" he whispered affectionately; panting a kiss on your forehead.

I used to be rebellious when I was five, there was probably something wrong with me, sorry if this upsets people, but not all kids are perfect and they sometimes come back with attitude and disobey.

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