A toxic nightmare part 5: the more you know

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It's finally here, I'm so sorry this took so long but it's here now
me and Suwako20 wrote this chapter together

Alpha woke up, did his usual training/morning routine and headed off to the LED castle, he picked up Orion just before he left because Orion needed help with his social skills and he knew you could help him with that.
As he got to the castle the guards saluted him and let him in, he swam down the halls and towards Trollex's room.

Trollex woke up to a bright light flooding the room, he realised his door was open and saw Alpha coming in, holding a sleeping Orion, Trollex sighed and reluctantly got out of bed, swimming over to his best friend.
"Alpha, what are you doing here? What time is it?" He asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly
"It's 5 in the morning, but no time for questions, we gotta start your training" Alpha said
Trollex sighed, rubbing his eyes sleepily "ok, I'll just get ready"
As Trollex did his morning routine, Alpha waited for him in the throne room, Orion had began to wake up when It turned to 6 in the morning, tiredly looking around the room "hey dad, where are we?" Orion asked, looking sleepy
"We're in King Trollex's castle, Orion, I'm here to train him" Alpha replied looking down at his son
Orion nodded sleepily, resting his head on his dad's chest once more.
Trollex came in, looking more awake "ok, what are we doing first?" Trollex asked
"First we will start with learning how to hold the sword properly and then I will show you how to attack with it, we will train everyday as much a we can, so you can be ready" Alpha replied
Just then, there was a knock at the castle doors
Alpha looked worried for a second and instinctively pulled Orion closer, looking at the door warily
A techno troll guard opened the door "your majesty, the former king and queen are here, do you want me to let them in?" He asked
Trollex and Alpha looked at each other in surprise
"Yeah sure, thanks" Trollex said looking surprised
The guard nodded and left the room.
Trollex turned to Alpha "Sorry Al, I didn't know my parents were coming over today" he said looking confused
"It's ok, mabye there-" Alpha was cut off when the door opened
two techno trolls came in the room, The male techno troll had yellow eyes and yellow hair, dark blue skin, he also had the same ball things at the tip of his fins, like Bliss marina's
The female had hot pink skin and green eyes and green hair, she had the same rainbow patterns on her arms like Trollex had, she also had pink, purple and blue pixels on her tale.

Former king Triton and Queen Aurora

Trollex looked at his parents in surprise, they looked back at him in concern.

The worried expressions on there faces worsened at the sight of there son, his colors were gone...
King Triton spoke first
"We came as soon as we heard buddy" his father said, the worried look still on his face
"Trollex, honey, we're so sorry we didn't come sooner, we had trouble getting here" His mother said, her expression matching her husband's.
"How are you holding up son? We heard from techno trolls that you haven't been doing so well" his father said, looking at his son sadly.

Trollex sighed, looking away sadly "I've....well, the whole thing has been rough for me but I'm doing better than I was before" he said, forcing a warm smile to hopefully convince his parents he was ok
Former King Triton and Queen Aurora exchanged concerned glances with each other, but both nodded
"Ok, and how is little Y/n doing?" Queen Aurora asked
Trollex couldn't help but smile at the mention of you "she's handling it all ok, she had a nightmare the other night but she's doing better now" he and Alpha shared a glance with each other before he turned back to his parents, looking confused "also, I have some questions to ask you guys if you don't mind" he said
They nodded "we thought you might son, and we are here to answer them, but it would be nice if we did it in a more comfortable place am I right?" Former Queen Aurora said, she then clapped twice and a techno troll servant came in the room, despite no longer wearing the crown she was still the mother of the current king and part of the royal family so therefore servants and guards still took some orders from her
She turned to the servant "please tell the cook to prepare breakfast for four people and serve it in the dining room, and don't be late"
The servant nodded and quickly swam away
Aurora turned back to her oldest son "let's go to the dining room, we'll tell you everything there" she said motioning to her husband and swimming out of the room with everyone else following her

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