You visit Bergen town

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This chapter was requested by Mgibbons5603, thank you for the request 😊

You and your dad were heading to Trollstopia, your uncle was going to babysit you for a few hours.

Once you both got there, you and your dad looked around for the Prince of techno/techno ambassador.
"Huh, I wonder where he is?" Trollex muttered to himself as he looked around some more.
Suddenly a familiar techno troll jumped out of the lake, surprising you and your dad.
"Yoooo hey big bro! Hey Glow stick! What up!?" He asked, his voice full of excitement and a bright happy smile was on his face, hugging both you and your dad tightly.
Trollex chuckled and hugged back "good to see you again little bro"
You giggled and snuggled up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck "hi uncle Synthy"
Just then, Branch came out of the water wearing giant leaves on his feat, you then realised that they had been doing whirlpool surfing, something that you had been meaning to sneak out and do sometime....

"Hey there king Trollex, what brings you to Trollstopia?" Branch asked, taking the leaves off of his feat.
Trollex smiled "hey Branch, I'm just giving Y/n to Synth for a few hours, I've got quite a lot of work to do back at home"
Branch nodded in understanding.
"Yeah! So that means my little glow stick gets to stay and have some fu fu fu fu fuuuuuun!" Synth cheered, pulling out two green glow sticks, he smiled down at you and handed one to you, it was your favourite color.
"Yay!" You cheered cutely, looking down at the f/c glow stick with a smile.

Trollex smiled and kissed you on the forehead "I'll be back to pick you up soon ok angel fish, have a good time"

"I will, bye daddy" you said, he smiled and left.
You smiled at Branch "hi uncle Branch" you greeted.
He smiled and gently ruffled your hair "hey Y/n, good to see you again"

Just then a familiar queen of pop came running up to the three of you "hey guys!" She said with her usual cheerful smile.
Her eyes then landed on you and they lit up with joy "hey little cupcake!" Poppy cooed happily, picking you up and giving you a warm hug.
You giggled and hugged back "hi aunt Poppy."
"Hey Poppy" Branch said walking over and kissing her on the cheek.
"Yo Poppaaay! What brings you here?" Your uncle asked with his usual cheerful smile.
"Alright so, I just got an invitation from Bridget and Gristle, they invited us over to their castle"
She then pulled out a letter from her hair.
Then she looked at you and your uncle and an idea came to her "hey, Y/n, Synth, you two should come with us! It would be nice for Y/n to learn more about the Bergens and get familiar with them, but if your not comfortable with the idea that's completely fine" she said with a kind smile.
Synth thought for a minute before a smile grew on his face "yeah sure, I don't see why not, how do you feel about it glow stick?" He asked, looking down at you.
You looked up at him and smiled "sure, let's go!" But then you paused and frowned as a thought came to you "Uhh...will daddy be happy about this?" You asked, whenever the bergans had been brought up in the past, you noticed that your father seemed (understandably) uncomfortable at the very mention of them, he was no doubt still unsettled by what the Bergens used to do, and knowing how overprotective he was, he probably would not be happy about this at all...

The two pop trolls and techno troll frowned at your question.
Poppy hummed "Hmm, your right little cupcake, maybe we should do it another time and ask your dad then"
Synth then zoomed over to Poppy and put his arm around her, a sly grin was on his face "Nah you don't have to worry about that!"
Poppy and Branch looked at Synth confused "but Synth, if Trollex finds out that Y/n went to Bergan town without his permission, he'll be mad and you'll get in trouble" Poppy said
Synth chuckled and removed his arm from her, crossing his arms as a smug smile appeared on his face "im his brother, I don't have to tell him anything, so therefore he won't find out about this"
Poppy and Branch looked down in thought before smiling.
"Ok, let's go!" Poppy cheered, leading the way as you all followed.

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