A toxic nightmare part 3: getting closer

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The drawing at the top was made by Suwako20 we wrote this chapter together 😊

You woke up and rubbed your eyes tiredly, you then remembered the egg your grandmother had given you, you smiled excitedly and swam out of bed and over to the little incubator in your room.
however as you looked in the incubator instead of seeing a neon white egg you saw a tiny newborn rainbow coloured beat drop button fish. She looked so cute and tiny.

The fish yawned and opened her eyes, looking up at you curiously. You opened the incubator and let the fish swim out, She looks around curiously, wondering what everythingshe was seeing was. She then saw you and slowly swam closer to you.
"Hello" You said softly
She looked up at you curiously, she then looked down ar your tale and made excited squeaking sounds, admiring your pixels.
You awwed and looked at the baby in awe, you He,d your hands out for her to swim on to and she did, she quickly paddled in pot your hands, looking up at you happily you stroked her head as softly as you could, causing the fish to Wriggle her antennas happily and make a soft purring noise, you chuckled and nuzzled her softly with you nose.

You had to show your dad

You swam out of your room and went looking for your dad to show him the baby.
You eventually found your dad in the throne room, however though, upon swimming closer you frowning when you saw that his colors were completely gone.
You stopped when you saw your grandmother talking to your dad, you stayed back, they looked like they were having a serious conversation and you didn't want to interrupt. Unfortunately you couldn't quite hear what they were talking about.
Your grandmother handed your dad some leafs and after a few more minutes of talking, she swam out of the front door.
Trollex looked down at the leaves with hatred, he clenched his fists and muttered something under his breath which you didn't hear, but that was probably a good thing.
He then noticed you and his expression instantly changed to a warm happy one. He swam over to you
"Good morning angelfish, did you sleep we-" he stopped when he noticed the baby beat drop button fish in your hands
"Ah the egg hatched" he said happily, Beat came over, smiling at the baby.
"Yeah, she's so tiny and cute" you said, rubbing her head gently with your thumb
"Hey little one, do you wanna play tag?" Beat asked
The baby instantly looked up and looked confused as if she was asking 'what's tag?' She asked
Your dad and beat awwed at her "aww she's so cute" your dad said, petting her antennas
Beat chuckled and said "I'll show you what it is"
The baby swam out of your hands and followed Beat.
You both chuckled as you watched them chase each other.
Your dad turned to you "what's her name?" He asked
You thought for a minute "how about Iris?"
Iris stops and repeats the name a few times, and looks like she likes it.
Trollex chuckled "she likes it"
You smiled as Iris continued to play with beat "yeah she dose"
After a while of watching Iris play, your dad told you that you were heading to pop village/Trollstopia to visit a florist your dad had sent a letter out to Poppy asking for help with it and she agreed, Branch and Synth were also coming along to help out when they heard the situation, Synth was coming for support and Branch was coming to help investigate.

You had arrived at pop village, when you exited the caterpillar bus you saw Poppy and Branch.
Poppy came over to you both, looking at Trollex in worry when she saw his colors were gone. She wanted to try and cheer him up as best she could, she simply couldn't help herself when she saw a troll sad, but Branch had told her to just give him time and not to try and force cheering him up, as it might make him worse...
"Hey Trollex, Hey Y/n, it's good to see you guys again" she said gently hugging you both, you returned the hug.
"Hey Poppy, it's good to see you again too" Trollex said, managing a soft smile.

"Glow stick Lexy!" You heard a familiar voice say excitedly
You were scooped up into a hug that you instantly returned, Synth then turned to his brother and froze, the usual happy smile on his was gone and replaced with a frown of worry and shock as he looked his brother up and down, frowning when he saw his older brother completely grey.
"Uhh, hey big bro...how are you doing?" Synth asked, giving his brother a sad/worried look and trying to sound cheerful to maybe lift the king of techno's mood a little.
Trollex sighed sadly "I....I could be better" he decided to change the subject "so, Poppy, you said that you know a troll that runs a flower shop right?"
Poppy nodded "Yeah, her name is Belladonna, she also sells herbs too, I figured she out of all the other pop troll florists might know the type of herbs and plants Creek put into the tea, if we talk to her we might discover something"
Trollex nodded "ok, let's go"
You all made your way to the shop, once you got there, the whole place had a calming feeling to it, the shop itself had a nice pink colour, the doors and windows were a nice cyan colour too and the place was covered in wall flowers and surrounded by various different beautiful flowers.
You all went inside and much like outside, the place was filled with flowers, expect there were a few herbs on the shelves too.
The walls were a sky blue colour and had paintings of flowers bumblebees and butterflies on them, it was very beautiful here.
A pink troll with magenta coloured hair came from behind the front desk, she had a yellow dress on with with sunflowers on it and green leaves in her hair, she also had two different coloured eyes, the left was green while the right was brown.
"Oh my gosh king Trollex, Prince Synth and Queen Poppy!? it's such and honer to have you in my shop" she said in a cheery tone
Her eyes landed on you "oh...and princess Y/n, it's...nice to see you" She said dryly, sounding like she was secretly angry about something "anyway, what brings you here your majesties?" She asked

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