Trollexchange program

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(Basically if Y/n was in the finale episode of Trollstopia this chapter has also been requested by a few people)

You were standing next to your father as you were both inside the whale's (Vortex's) mouth, you had to admit, it was a little unsettling, you kept fearing that he would swallow you both despite your father reassuring you he wouldn't.
Your dad was wearing the royal crown and cape that had been in the family for generations, he only wore them at important events.
You were wearing a little magenta tiara with a cape like your fathers; only this one was smaller.

Just then, you felt your father grab your hand, you looked up at him and saw him grinning down at you "get ready baby girl" he said, you smiled and nodded.

Outside, you heard Poppy's muffled voice say "I give you!....."

Then Vortex opened his mouth and you instantly heard the crowd cheering and techno music playing.

"King Trollex and princess Y/n!" Poppy finished.

You smiled brightly and peered over the DJ booth, seeing the Trollstopians. They all looked ecstatic and were jumping around while cheering; you even spotted your uncle in the crowd.

Just then the whale's tongue moved you and your dad over to the mushroom platform Poppy was standing on.
As you came to a stop, your dad threw his cape off, you quickly caught it and placed it into your hair.

Poppy beamed at you both, bowing down "greetings King Trollex and Princess Y/n! What's the reason for your visit?" She asked

Trollex smiled and wrapped his arm around you "me and my baby girl are huge fans of Trollstopia queen Poppy!" He declared "and it's inspired me, king of all techno trolls to lay out our own beat on to this sick, cultural mix! Check it out!"
You were caught by surprise when the tongue you were standing on suddenly shot backwards at lightning speed, and before you knew it you were suddenly standing on a geyser from the whales blowhole.

You yelped in fear and instinctively clung to your dad's waist in fright. You weren't to happy about heights.

Trollex noticed and brought you closer to comfort you, giving your hand a gentle squeeze as an apology.
He then looked back at the ground and yelled "I wanna invite one Trollstopian to come live in techno reef for an entire year!" He threw his arms up in the air with his usual enthusiasm.
The crowd gasped in shock at the news. Looking excited.

Trollex pulled you up in his arm and used his free and to play the DJ booth.
"That troll will be fully immersed in techno culture while teaching our tribe" he gestured to you and himself "the value of their own heritage! We call it! King Trollex and Y/n's Trollexchange program!" He brought out four air horns and gave two to you as you both used them.

You heard the crowd cheer in excitement at the news, just then you felt your dad pick you up "hold on tight baby girl"
You nodded and clung to him as you both suddenly rode down onto the mushroom platform by a wave.

Poppy laughed in excitement as she shook the water from her hair "an exchange program!?" She exclaimed "which troll will you and little cupcake choose?"

Trollex chuckled "well Poppy we came to Trollstopia because your the cultural exchange expert! So the question is, which troll will you all choose?"
Poppy grinned at that "ah!" She then jumped up "I'll gather the tribal council right away!" She then turned and jumped off of the mushroom platform and was lost into the colorful crowd of trollstopians.

You, still in your dad's arms turned to him.
"What now daddy?" You asked.

He smiled "we've just gotta hang around until she chooses the best candidate baby girl"

You and your dad spent the next few hours just hanging around Trollstopia until Poppy called you both to the mushroom platform.

You stood along side your father holding his hand with Poppy and the other delegates.

Poppy sighed looking sad "ok, King Trollex, little cupcake, the troll we have chosen for the exchange program is.... DJ Suki"

She moved aside and DJ Suki walked toward smiling and waving to the crowd.
You and your dad smiled at her your dad turned to the large lake and whistled, summing the whale you both rode in.
You and your dad stepped on his tongue and he held his hand out to her.

DJ suki smiled and was about to take it, when suddenly she frowns and looked back at Poppy who seemed sad.
You looked at them both in concern, feeling worried.

After Poppy and DJ Suki had a little talk with each other (you couldn't quite hear what they were saying)
She grabbed your dads hand and claimed on the Tongue.
As the tongue moved back into the whales mouth, DJ suki waved "later"

You smiled and waved at Poppy who, despite feeling sad, smiled a little and waved back.
The whales mouth then closed.

"King Trollex, Princess Y/n, it is such an honer to officially meet you both!" DJ suki exclaimed in excitement.
Trollex grinned "it's a pleasure to meet you too DJ Suki!"
"Yeah!" You said "it's gonna be so much fun! Your gonna love it there!"

DJ Suki chuckled and ruffled your hair
"I'm sure I will"

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