The Bad/very annoying boy

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This idea was requested by Smurfytroll, thank you for the idea 😁
There was this new techno troll kid in school his name is Valentino, he has dark red skin, a pink heart on his chest, blue, red and dark purple pixels on his tale, Orange and bright red coloured arms, yellow eyes and yellow coloured hair.
He is six years old, he can sing beautifully, his dances were amazing to watch, and he had almost all the girls in school swept off there feet. He was incredibly popular.
You and your friends didn't see what was so great about him, sure he was great at singing, but he was just so cocky,extremely rude and ignorant, not to mention he was so full of him self.
But he seemed to take a liking to you, he would flirt with you continuously, try to hold your hand and bring gifts to you.
You had politely told him to back off, but he wouldn't listen and he kept bothering you.

And it would not stop, it was every time he saw you

You were flying to the caterpillar bus stop but suddenly, Valentino appeared in front of you.
"Heeey princess~" he said in a irritating sing song voice, playing with his hair like a girl
You sighed "look Valentino, I'm not interested in you, I'm interested in someone else, so please just stop" you said firmly
Valentino frowned at this, which was odd. His usual reaction would be to completely brush your response off and continue to irritate you.
"Let me guess, it's that funk troll Dexter" he growled looking angry
You nodded
He looked you straight in the eyes and said "why do like him? He's a funk troll, your a techno troll, your both completely different types of trolls. It's so wrong for you to be attracted to that ugly thing! Not to mention your a princess and when you grow up your going to need a suitable heir to the throne, what happens when you have kids with him! They'll be ugly and your tribe music is techno! A mixed genre isn't good! Your future child won't be a good king or queen to techno trolls"
You crossed your arms and looked at him with a deadpan expression "are you done?"
He growled looking pissed "NO! You should marry another techno troll, that way you will have a suitable future ruler, Queen Poppy and Branch have the right idea why can't you!?" He yelled
You sighed in annoyance
He continued
"The tribe leaders made a huge mistake deciding to reunite all the tribes together, life was so much better with out the other tribes! Now techno reef is filled with different trolls and it's disgusting! But anyway, my point is is that you should fall in love with another techno troll, and I would make a great king!" He said
You rolled your eyes and said "no"
He stared at you in surprise as you flew past him. Before you left you heard him yell "if you keep refusing I'll hurt you and your loved ones!"
You ignored him and flew over to the caterpillar bus stop and waited for your dad to turn up, luckily Valentino didn't follow you.

He wasn't serious with that threat was he?
The next day
You were in the playground during recess, then a familiar red techno troll flew over to you.
You sighed and glared at him "I told you I'm not interested!"
"Wait, maybe this might change your mind" he said, before you could respond, music was heard and he began to sing

"🎶I won't lie to you, I know he's just not right for you🎶" he sang pointing at Dexter, all his fan girls sighed dreamily, while you glared at him
"🎶and you can tell me if I'm off but I see it on your face when you say that he's the one that you want, and your spending all your time in this wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop🎶" he sang gliding in the air, you still glared at him, becoming more annoyed by the second
"🎶I know I can treat you better than he can🎶" he sang pointing at Dexter once more, Dexter himself looked very confused
"🎶and any girl like you deserves a gentleman, tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying when you should be with me instead, I know I can treat you better, better than he can!🎶"
He sang, his fan girls glared at you with jealousy, but you paid no attention to them, you continued to glare at Valentino.
"🎶I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me to, I just wanna give you-"
He was interrupted when a familiar country troll bit him on his tale causing all of his fan girls to gasp in horror
"Ahhhhhhhhrrrrrrrgghhhhhh" he cried and quickly tore his tale out of her jaws, you looked behind him and saw who it was
It was Clampers, you also saw your other friends not to far behind.
"Get lost creep!" Clampers growled, glaring at him
Your friends ran over to and stood around you protectively, also glaring at him. Valentino turned around and looked at Clampers angrily "you bit my beautiful tale!!!" He yelled, hugging said tale.
"You were bothering my best friend! She clearly didn't want you" Clampers snapped
Valentino glared at her and flew past her, muttering something under his breath, he glanced at you for a second before flying out of the school. Before he left you could've sworn you heard him say "you'll pay for this"
It could have just been your imagination though.
"Thank you Clampers" you said hugging her, she smiled and hugged back
"Your welcome Y/n" she said
Hopefully Valentino wouldn't bother you anymore.

The next day
You were in pop village/trollstopia with your dad, he was talking to the ambassadors and leaders. You decided to look at a flower patch not too far away (you could still see them), until suddenly you saw Valentino approaching you, his tale was bandaged up, he was trying to pull off a devastated expression but it just made him look laughable. He had two adult techno trolls with him, the female had dark red coloured scales, yellow eyes, a pink heart on her chest orange and red couloirs arms, purple and red pixels on her tale and yellow hair that turned orange at the top.
The male techno troll had blue coloured scales, cyan arms, cyan coloured hair that turned dark blue at the top, blue eyes, blue and light red pixels on his tale, a blue heart on his chest.
They both looked furious, they must be his parents.
The mother flew over to you and picked you up by the hair.
"why did you reject my son you little brat!?"
She yelled, she then turned to her son, along with her husband and yelled "and you Val! How dare you fail! I thought you knew better! You should have done better!" She scolded him, glaring down at him.
His father then said in an equally angry tone to his wife's "yes, Valentino, did you even pay attention to us at all! We're so disappointed in you, how are you going to get the throne now!?" He scolded his son.
Valentino himself just looked ashamed he mumbled sorry, looking down at the ground.
The mother turned back to you, looking furious "and answer my question child!"
She growled catching everyone's attention
You glared at her "because I'm not interested in your son, I'm interested in someone else, besides Valentino is a rude, pathetic excuse for a troll who despises the other tribes and only wants to marry me for power" You snapped
Both of them were seething with anger "you little" the mother seethed raising her hand, you tried to struggle out of her grip but it was no use, you closed your eyes and braced yourself.
"Argh What the hell!?" She yelled
You opened your eyes and saw a lasso wrapped around her wrist, you looked over to see your dad, uncle, the leaders and the ambassadors all looking livid, especially your dad.
Delta pulled the rope harshly causing the techno troll to slam to the ground making her let go of you.
Your dad and uncle instantly rushed over to you, Trollex pulled you into a protective hug while Synth glared daggers at the dark red techno troll.
"How could you do something so evil! That's a baby you were going to hit!" Holly yelled stomping over to the techno troll along with the others who were glaring at the techno troll.
"Yeah what the hell is wrong with you!?" Barb yelled
The father stepped in and said "she insulted our son, my wife was just teaching her a lesson"
"Y/n would never insult anyone!" Trollex yelled hugging you closer and glaring daggers at the techno trolls
"But She did! And she rejected our son, he's in love with her but she doesn't want him!" the mother yelled
"He keeps bothering me, he hates the other troll tribes and he said that if I kept rejecting him he would hurt me or you guys" you said looking at the three techno trolls warily
Everyone glared daggers at them, Trollex was shaking with rage, he was disgusted with these techno trolls.
Your dad glared at them venomously and growled "you are banished from techno reef, if I ever see you or your son near my baby again, I will have you fed to the sharks, do I make myself clear?"
The techno trolls wouldn't dare argue with there king, and they took his threats seriously, they nodded and flew away.
"There gone sweetie, no ones gonna hurt you" your dad said soothingly stroking your hair
You looked up at him and smiled softly
"Thank you daddy" you said hugging him, he smiled and hugged back.
You turned to the others and said "thank you everyone"
They smiled at you
"Your welcome sugar, if they ever come back you come to us immediately" Holly Darling said
You nodded, hopefully they wouldn't but if they did you had your friends and family there to protect you.

I'm working on the other requests, they should be out soon, feel free to suggest anymore if you want to 😁😊🌟✨⭐️

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