You get lost

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You, your dad and aunt were visiting Synth in pop village/trollstopia. Once you saw your uncle he was talking with the other ambassadors. He turned and saw you guys "yo what up family!" He said rushing over and  pulling you all into a hug.
You instantly hugged back, you missed his hugs. Bliss Marina and Trollex chuckled and also hugged back
"Good to see you again Synth" Bliss said
"Hey Synth, Do you know these techno trolls?" Holly Darling said coming over with the other ambassadors
Synth broke the group hug and turned to the others "Yeah, these two are my brother and sister, King Trollex and princess Bliss Marina"
All the ambassadors gasped looking surprised,
"King Trollex princess Bliss Marina I'm so sorry, we had no idea what you both looked like" Holly said, bowing,
The other ambassadors bowed as well, looking apologetic.
Trollex and Bliss chuckled
"It's alright, and you don't have to be formal, it's all good" Trollex said
Synth crossed his arms and pouted, looking annoyed
"You guys don't bow like that whenever you see me" he grumbled
The other ambassadors glanced at each other nervously, except Val who scoffed "well, it's just that your you, you know?" Val said crossing her arms
Synth looked confused "Uh, what dose that mean?"
Trollex and Bliss snickered
"What?" Synth said turning to them, he looked betrayed, soon everyone started chuckling and laughing
"Seriously What?"
You watched the scene and wished a bucket of popcorn would magically appear in front of you, you then saw a beautiful glowing butterfly, only one thought crossed your mind

follow it

You sped off after the butterfly, soon catching up to it and admiring its beautiful glowing colours.
After 5 minutes, You soon stopped and watched the butterfly fly up in the sky and over a hill, you turned around fully expecting to still be in pop village and see your family and the ambassadors.
But all you saw was trees.
the realisation hit you
You were lost, again.

Back with the others
"Guys, seriously what is so funny!?" Synth yelled in exasperation
Val was the first to speak
"We'll first off you act to immature"
The others snickered
Synth pouted once more, looking offended.
"At least you don't think I'm immature, right glow stick?" Synth asked turning around and fully expecting to see you floating behind him.

But you weren't there

"Uh, Y/n sweetie, where'd you go?" Synth said scanning the area for you
This instantly got everyone's attention
Your dad turned around, looking worried. He looked around for you, and once he couldn't see you anywhere he began to panic.
"Where's My baby!" He cried, frantically looking for you, he was close to having a panic attack "What if she got kidnapped again what If she's hurt!? What if something even more horrible happened to her!?" He said quickly, panicking.
"Don't worry Lex, we'll find her" Bliss Marina said, trying to hold in her own panic
"I'll go get Queen Poppy and send out a search party for her" Holly Darling said galloping off
Trollex continued to panic, panting heavily
Where on earth had you gone?

Back with you
You began to feel fear set in. What if you got kidnapped again, what if you would never be found?
You began to cry, whimpering in fright.

"what's wrong cariño?" You heard an unfamiliar male voice say
You jumped slightly and looked up
You saw three trolls, they looked familiar, the male possible pop troll had blue coloured skin, a pale green nose, blonde, green, pink and orange dreadlock hair, bright coloured markings on his body, blue eyes and stud earrings.
The second female troll had orange coloured skin, a pink nose, turquoise and pink hair, blue and pink markings on her body and golden earrings.
And finally, the third female troll had green skin, a pink noise, yellow and orange markings on her body,  hot pink and red hair, and gold earrings.
You sobbed softly "I-I, I was with my family in pop village, I saw a butterfly and chased it, but I chased it to far and now I'm lost, I don't know my way back to pop village" you whimpered
"Hey, it's ok, we'll help you get back and find your family" the blue troll said
"Really?" You asked, looking up at him with tear filled eyes
The trolls smiled "of course" the blue one said
"Come on pequeño, we can take you back there" the green one said
You got up and you all walked (in your case floated) back to pop village.
"So what's your name cariño?" The blue troll asked
"Y/n" you said
The trolls smiled "that's a pretty name, I think I remember seeing you in volcano rock city? You were with king Trollex right?" The blue one asked
"Yeah, he's my daddy" you said
There eyes widened, they wondered why you looked similar to him.
"I remember seeing you guys there too, you were in that hot air balloon" you said "what's your music by the way?" You asked
"Our music is called reggaeton, we're known as the reggaeton trolls" the blue one said
"Wow cool!" You said, you always thought that only pop, techno, funk, classical, country and rock existed.
You guys continued to talk as you were taken back to pop village, you hadn't released how far you'd gone.
Once you got back to pop village, you saw your family, they all looked distraught.
"Hey King Trollex we found your daughter!" The blue one called,
Trollex looked over and the second he spotted you, he rushed over and hugged you, you instantly hugged back.
"Thank you so much for bringing my daughter back" Trollex said, hugging you tightly
The reggaeton trolls smiled at him
"No problem king Trollex" Tresillo said
Once they left, your dad turned his attention back to you
"My sweet baby girl, I was so worried" he said give you kisses on your forehead
"I'm sorry daddy, I saw a butterfly and I chased it but I didn't release how far I was" You said snuggling into his chest
"It's alright baby girl, your safe now, your ok" he cooed stroking your hair
You suddenly felt two pairs of arms wrap around you and give you the best hug they could, you didn't even need to turn around to know who it was
"Y/n sweetie, your ok!" Bliss Marina said
"My sweet little glow stick don't ever scare us like that again" Synth said sounding on the verge of tears
You snuggled into the embraces you knew and loved so much, you felt so relieved and happy that you had been found.

you weren't ever chasing butterflies again.

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