Synth goes on a date

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This chapter was requested by 1Zoo20, thank you for the idea☺️

You had been grounded for five days, today was your third day, you weren't allowed to go out and play with your friends. you were sitting in your room bored until you got a letter from your uncle.

Hey glow stick,
I told Rose how I felt and she said she felt the same! 😄
Were going on a date tomorrow, but I need your help with something, I wanna make it special, so I chose to take her to a nice park in Pop village/Trollstopia, but I need help setting up the decorations and a little picnic, would it be ok if you came over to help?
You don't have to worry about getting into to trouble with your dad, you can sneak out and if he finds out, I'll defend you.
Ps don't tell anyone just yet, the only other troll who knows bedsides You is Poppy, I asked her how to be romantic and what girls like the most, but I'm keeping it a secret from the others just in case, and if things go well, I'll tell everyone.

Uncle Synth

You smiled after reading the letter, it was so sweet and adorable on how he was being all romantic on his first date.
You grabbed some flowers from a vase in your room to help with the decorating, you'd grab a few more on the way there if you saw any.
You swam to your window and opened it, your dad was busy at a meeting so you didn't have to worry about him at the moment.
You swam out and up to the surface.

Once you got to pop village/Trollstopia, you grabbed as many flowers as you could and made sure to stay hidden so no trolls saw you, you successfully arrived at the park and made it to the spot he was talking about, it was a nice little area surrounded by Daisy's and roses.
"Ah glow stick, thanks so much for coming!" You heard your uncle say
You turned around and saw your uncle carrying a box full of fairy lights, a blanket and a picnic basket.
"No problem uncle Synth, so what do you have planned?" You asked as he set the items down
"Well I was thinking that the fairy lights could wrap around the bushes over there" he said pointing to some nearby Rose bushes "and I brought some candles to make it look extra romantic, also after the picnic, were both gonna go to a rave" he said bringing out some candles from the box.
"That sounds awsome!" You said excitedly, grabbing some fairly lights from the box.
It took about 30 minutes but you had both managed to decorate the place and make it look beautiful.
Fairy lights were wrapped around rose bushes and trees giving them a nice lilac glow, candles were placed around the picnic basket and blanket making it look extra romantic and flowers were everywhere adding to the beauty.
"I can't thank you enough sweetie, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to set this up in time" your uncle said, petting you on the head affectionately.
"Your welcome uncle Synth" you said
Eventually you had to leave because Rose would be there any minute, as you flew away you turned around and saw a techno troll with rose coloured hair, light red skin, red pixels on her tale, a pink heart, and dark pink eyes, and she wore a beautiful red dress, you correctly assumed it was Rose after she went up and began talking to Synth.
You smiled and flew away, heading back home.
You hoped it went well for him.

Luckily, you had gotten back before your dad did, and thankfully he didn't even know you had left.

The next day, in the morning, you received another letter from your uncle

Hey glow stick,

The date was awsome!
It seriously could not have gone better, were a couple now!
Again, thanks for helping me out yesterday, I owe you one.
I'm planning on introducing Rose to you, aunt Bliss and your dad later, your gonna love her, she's a wonderful girl and is very friendly, she also found you adorable when I showed you a picture of her.
Anyway, I'll see you later glow stick.

Uncle Synth

You smiled happily, you were so glad it went well for him and you couldn't wait to meet Rose, she sounded so nice.
Hopefully Synth wouldn't accidentally say that you had snuck out to help him.

As you snuck back in, your dad suddenly burst in your room looking angry.
"Y/n M/n Ramos! What did I tell you about leaving while your grounded!?" He yelled, glaring at you.

You backed away fearfully "I-I didn't!"

"Yes you did! A techno troll came to me and told me she saw you in Trollstopia!" He growled, looking more mad.

You looked down sadly "I'm sorry...."
You nurtured, hoping he would calm down a little.

Trollex just sighed irritably "your grounded for an extra week, don't do that again!" He scolded.

You nodded, feeling annoyed at yourself for not staying hidden, but at least you managed to help your uncle...

Once Synth had heard that you got in trouble, he tried to reason with his brother and told him that you came to help him, but that still didn't get you off the hook.

You just had to be more careful next time...

Later that night as Trollex was in his office doing some paperwork, he began to feel guilty about grounding you for an extra week and yelling at you. You were just helping your uncle after all. You are so sweet and kind.

Placing his pen down, he made his was out of his office and to your room.
Opening the door, he saw you fast asleep in your bed.
He hesitated for a minute, wondering if he should wake you, if was quite late...

But in the morning he would be far too busy, and he didn't want to leave the apology any later.

Swimming over to you, he gently caressed your cheek to wake you up.

At feeling a gentle hand stroke you, you blinked your eyes open and saw your father standing over you, he had a sad, gentle look on his face.
"Is everything ok daddy?..." you asked tiredly, rubbing your eyes.

Trollex nodded and sat down on the bed, in turn you crawled in his lap, hugging his waist and resting your head just above his stomach.

Trollex wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead "baby, I'm sorry about earlier, I was having a pretty stressful day and I just got angry with you and I shouldn't have, what you did was very sweet, and for being such a sweet little Angel, I'm taking the weeks off and your only grounded for a day, ok?" He explained gently, his left hand now holding yours, stroking it as you squeezed his hand gently.
"Ok, thank you daddy..." you responded tiredly, rubbing your eyes. You yawned and smooshed your face further into your dad's skin, snuggling closer to him.

Trollex smiled softly and hugged you closer, smiling softly as you dozed off in his embrace.

He decided to stay like that for a while, smiling down at you with all the fatherly love in the world.

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