You find Gary

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This chapter was requested by Mgibbons5603, thanks 😊

You had just finished school and you were waiting for your step mom to come and take you home.
All your friends had left already and your step mom was running late which wasn't the end of the world but you were beginning to get really bored.
You sighed and got up of of the ground, hoping to pass the time by taking a quick walk, you wouldn't go far.

As you were walking around, you saw a remote on the ground, confused, you picked it up and pressed the large red button that was in the centre.


Nothing happened.

You pressed it again and still nothing,
You continued pressing it multiple times over and over again, hoping something would happen, but nothing did.

Suddenly, the remote was snatched out of your hand by an aquamarine one.
Startled by the sudden movement, you looked up to see Branch, he looked down at his remote worriedly, checking to see if it was alright.
Once he saw it was fine, he sighed in relief and put it in his hair, he then turned to you with a stern look on his face.
"Y/n, that remote is very dangerous it can set off traps, you could have hurt yourself or hurt someone else!" He scolded firmly, he didn't look angry like you thought he would, he looked annoyed.
Your fin ears drooped and you looked down sadly "sorry uncle Branch" you said softly.
Branch immediately felt his heart drop and his annoyed expression softened, he gave you a soft smile and let you on the head "hey don't worry about it Y/n, you didn't know" he said.

You and the future king of pop looked over to see the angry leaders stomping towards you.

You sighed, this should be fun.

"Branch! Why did you activate all those traps!? Multiple trolls got caught in them!" Poppy yelled, looking mad.
"Also Y/n, baby girl what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home with your mom?" Your dad asked, tilting his head to the side and looking confused.

You sighed, you were gonna get in so much trouble for this.
"Well...I got bored because mommy was late, so...I decided to walk around and I found the remote" you paused and pointed to the remote in Branch's hands "and I pressed the button on it, but I didn't know that it activated traps" you explained, looking down sadly, you didn't dare look up at their angry faces.

However, the leaders weren't mad at all, they now seemed calm.
Poppy was the first to speak "it's ok little cupcake, like you said, you didn't know"
"Yeah it's alright baby girl, just be careful and don't mess with random objects next time ok? And don't wander off ether, your far to young to be out here on your own" your dad said, picking you up, looking at you with a slightly stern but gentle expression.
You nodded "ok, sorry daddy" you said softly
He smiled and kissed you on the forehead "it's alright baby, I'll take you back to the cater bus stop, I'll be home soon, I just gotta finish the meeting" he said flying to said place with you in his arms.

You sighed in relief, great full that you weren't gonna be punished.

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