Bachelour and bachelourette parties

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Me and Suwako20 wrote this chapter together ☺️

The next few days went by well, you were slowly recovering which was good.

You had been left in the care Holly, since everyone else was busy at the moment.

Now Trollex was waiting in a specific spot on the beach, waiting for the funk space ship to arrive and pick him up, after receiving an invitation to his (second) bachelor party, which had been organised by Synth.
Speaking of the techno ambassador, Trollex and his little brother had made up, and they were on good terms with each other again. After all, who could ever really stay mad at Synth? (Especially since he is so adorable)

As he saw the space ship arrive, he couldn't help but stare at it in awe for a few minutes, he had to admit it was impressive, definitely a huge difference to the bright LED colours and coral back at techno reef.

He was then beamed up by a light, he walked in a room where he heard familiar voices and was happy to be greeted by
Cooper, Prince d, Branch, Alpah, Kenji, the king of funk himself, Coral's father, Beat, his father, his surrogate father, and his soon to be father in law, and of course, his little brother.
He had to admit, he was surprised as to why Kenji was there... he'd ask him later.
"Hey guys!" He greeted cheerfully "you all ready to have a good time?"
Synth run to him giving him a high five while spoke "Absoluteily big bro!"
"I am glad I could be here too your highness. I can't wait what this party will hold" Mr Blush said while bowing
"Me too. " Branch agreed.
"Me and my tribe also really welcome you as our guest to this important event." Said King Quincy while put his right hand on Trollex's left shoulder. "I can see you are kinda stiff. Relax man, there is nothing what for you need to worry about right now. This day is only for fun. "
Trollex nodded whiel thanked the king of funk's kind words.
"Yeah man, you will alright. Trust me. This day will be awesome." Steped in Prince D besides his father.

Trollex smiled then he felt someone pet his back behind. He turned around seeing his best friend Alpha grinning at him.

"Wow food! I am so hungry!" Cried Beat and quicky rushed to the food table.

"Wait for me buddy!" Trollex followed him behind along with the others.

The time to be spent was a simple conversation about how everyonei s going, the kingdoms, and some culture description

After getting some drinks (non alcoholic) the drinks were flavour berry juice, tea, and cocktails, and red drink.
as for the food,there was flavour berries, fried chicken, corn bread, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, fried pork and fried fish, smoked turkey, malva pudding, seffa, kitcha, maakouda, Mash potatoes and groovy, dice fruit, giggleyum, spunnel cake, marshtatos and fluffle berry cake which no one ate except Branch

When they felt there is no food which could go into their stomach, they all decided to chill out for a few minutes before getting down to the real party.

"I can't actually believe I'm getting married again...i mean, I never thought I would. you know..." Trollex said, looking down at his glass of banana juice, it's not that he wasn't happy about getting married, he was overjoyed, just...the reality of it seemed unreal almost.

Since he met with M/n, he always thought they will be together for life. And it kinda succeeded even didn't took long...

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