You sneak out

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This Chapter was requested by mgibbons5603, thank you for the idea ☺️

You laid in your bed, staring at the wall with a tired expression. you were so incredibly bored!
You were still grounded from preforming whirlpool stunts, that meant that you couldn't go and play with your friends, it meant you couldn't go out at all! And the worst part was is that you couldn't even see the piñata bot  battle (Clampers told you about it) and it was going to start in about an hour and you couldn't even see it because you were grounded! You huffed angrily and buried your face in your pillow.
Then, an idea hit you...
You could sneak was late at night, your aunt and parents were fast asleep in bed, and you could stay hidden and watch the fight, so no one would know that you snuck out....
You grinned mischievously and sat up, you picked up a sleeping Iris and placed her in your hair and swam to your window, you opened it and swam out, heading to the surface.

Time skip
you had made it to the battle, you made sure to stay hidden in the back of the crowd as the fight began, you saw Branch and your uncle, that made you a little nervous, so you flew to the back of the crowd as much as you possibly could, silently hoping that they would not see you.

As Poppy announced all the piñata bots and the teams, the battle begun and it was awsome!
Both you and Iris (who had woken up) watched in awe, feeling a mix of excitement and suspense as the piñata bots battled, using their weapons to defeat each other and when they did candy would rain down, it was all so exciting and fun!
You also liked the creative piñata bots too.
In the end, your uncle and Branch won making the crowd cheer. You and Iris would have cheered too but you didn't want to attract any attention to your self so you and Iris both stayed silent.
You would have stayed longer but you had to sneak back home, you couldn't risk being seen.

Synth and Branch were about to celebrate their win with a victory rave until suddenly they caught a glimpse of neon green hair, they both looked at each other in confusion.
When they both looked back they didn't see it anymore, Synth narrowed his eyes in suspicion and he looked down at the ground in thought. It couldn't have been you....could it?
Synth turned to Branch "Dubstep, I'm gonna head back to techno reef, I've gotta talk to my brother" he said as he began flying away, Branch nodded and turned to Poppy who was approaching him, looking happy as always.
Synth quickly zoomed away, he knew a few short cuts that would get him to techno reef quicker.

You had successfully snuck back (Iris was now in your hair) and you were now just entering your room through the way you left, you climbed in and closed your window.
You couldn't believe you had successfully snuck out and hadn't been caught and you got to see the fight! You were so lucky!

"And where exactly have you been young lady?"

You froze.

Panic struck your soul and you quickly turned to the direction of the familiar voice, your eyes widening in shock.
On your bed, you saw your dad sitting there, he did not look happy at all, he looked SO mad.
You quickly snapped out of your shocked state and began racking your brain, desperately trying to find a somewhat believable lie.
"Uhhh......I...I was w-with uncle Synth...I..I had a bad dream about him a-and I needed t-to see him..." you said softly, nervously playing with your hands and looking at the ground worriedly, not daring to look up at his angry expression, you mentally cringed at that, why did you have to suck at lying!?
Suddenly a light switched on, revealing Synth sitting on a chair in the corner of your room, "you wanna try that again?" He asked sternly, he was frowning, his arms were crossed and his usual happy cheerful face was now a unusual cold, stern expression. You rarely ever saw him serious, to be honest Synth being serious was practically unheard of to you.

You frowned worriedly, backing away slightly

Not good.
Not good at all...
You were SO dead.

Trollex sighed and stood up, his angry expression remained "Y/n, your uncle told me everything, but it's far to late now, get some sleep, tomorrow you and me are going to have a VERY long talk in the morning" he said angrily, glaring down at you.
Your fin ears lowered as you looked down at the ground sadly, you said nothing and just nodded.
"Good, now get in your bed" he demanded sternly, pointing at your bed.
You instantly obeyed and swam to your bed, you pulled the covers over you and watched your dad and uncle leave your room.
Iris slowly swam out of your hair and laid on your pillow beside you, she only looked at you sympathetically before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
You snuggled into the soft bedsheets, getting comfortable and closing your eyes, you sighed in frustration knowing exactly what punishment you would get...

It was worth it time you just had to be more careful.

In the morning, your dad came in looking angry "alright young lady, you are grounded for a week! Which means no hanging out with friends after school and no candy! I am very disappointed in you!" He scolded.

You looked down sadly "I'm sorry daddy..." you muttered sadly.

Trollex sighed and swam out of the room as you followed him "it's ok, just don't do it again..." he said and you nodded.
Luckily you got off easy...

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