Hanging out with Branch

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This chapter was requested by mgibbons5603, thank you for the idea

It was Friday and your teacher had ended class an hour earlier because of that.
You and your friends were now currently waiting for the caterbus. Unfortunately it would be a while until they all arrived.
"Hey, how about we go to Branch's bunker? I heard he's got cool stuff!" Strawberry said enthusiastically.
Everyone agreed but you and Orion were skeptical.
"I don't know guys, we can't just enter his bunker uninvited" you said looking unsure, Orion nodded in agreement, his expression matching yours.
Clampers put her arms around both you and Orion and pulled the both of you close.
"Aw don't worry you two, we'll only be in there for like I dunno maybe twenty minutes! And if he is there we can just sneak around and he hopefully won't see us!" Clampers said looking determined.
You and Orion looked at each other worriedly, you both weren't entirely sure about this...

You had all successfully snuck into the bunker, it was quiet down here, and you had to admit he did have some pretty cool stuff.
There were weapons (you made sure to keep away from those.

Just as you all were about to turn a comet, a familiar voice said "kids, what are you doing in here?"
You all turned to see Branch, who looked surprised, you also noticed he was holding a small box in his hand.
"Uh sorry Branch, we uh we got bored and we decided to check out your bunker, if you don't mind" Strawberry said nervously.
You all expected him to be angry, but surprisingly, he just shrugged and smiled "that's ok, just stay away from my weapons and bear traps and try not to accidentally break anything"
You all nodded, feeling relieved.
Dexter than asked "hey Branch, how good are your survival skills?"
Branch chuckled and said "pretty good, I learned a lot over the years, and it helped the most when me and Poppy went on an adventure to save our friends from the Bergans"
Your eyes lit up with excitement as did your friends, you had all heard the story, however Orion and Iris who had never heard or met the bergans before frowned in confusion.
"Uhh who are the bergans?" Iris asked as she floated out of your hair, looking confused.
Branch smiled "I'll tell you" he said as you all sat down, patently waiting for the story to begin.

"Let me tell you how it happened. We didn't always live here. We had once lived in a big tree as our home before the Bergens found us, and built their village and a cage around our tree to be able to keep us close for one reason. Happiness. They thought that if they ate us, they become happy. So every year they made a special holiday where they ate trolls, they called it trollstice. On one day, the day of the festival, King Peppy rescued the pop tribe from them. Queen Poppy was a baby at the time and sadly her mother died at that time too. I also lost my parents to the Bergens too and my granny took care of me until he was eaten too"
You and your friends looked at him sadly, you had no idea....
He continued.
"24 years later Poppy decided to throw a huge party, even though I tried to prevent her from doing so because I knew she would lead the bergens to us. She didn't listen, so it happened, a bergan came and kidnapped our friends. Then me and her went to rescue the others. During our journey in the Bergen town we befriended a bergan who was a servant in the castle and really liked the young king. So Poppy made a deal with her, that if she helped us find Creek, we would help her win the kings heart. It worked and after some issues that I'm sure you all know" he said and you all nodded
"we showed the bergans that hapinnes didn't come from us but they could be able to feel it too. And so The evil chef bergan was banished again, and Hopefully we will never see her again. And Since then Bergens and pop trolls are our allies and Bridget became the wife of the king gristle. We usually visit them from time to time to see how they are doing" he said

After he had finished, Iris's eyes were sparkling with fascination, but she was a little wary about the giant creatures and Orion was terrified, however he calmed down after being assured by you that the Bergens were friends now and they wouldn't hurt anyone, however he was still unsure...
" and After that, I became happier and got my true colors back, and I also learnt how to become a better troll" he said, smiling fondly at the memories.
After the story he gave you and your friends a quick tour of the bunker, however near the end of the tour, You then noticed the time on a nearby clock and realised your mom (and your friends parents and family members) would arrive in about ten minutes.
You smiled at him kindly "thank you for the story Branch, we've gotta go now" you said as you and your friends got up.
He nodded "ok, see you later kids"
After saying goodbye one finale time you all left, heading back to the school building where your parents were waiting, leaving the grey pop troll alone.
He chuckled and pulled out a black box that he had been keeping hidden in his hair, he opened it, revealing a diamond ring.
He looked down at it and smiled, he knew Poppy was going to say yes.

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