You meet Synth's pet bird

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This chapter was requested by mgibbons5603

Today you were visiting your uncle, as you came in through the door, you saw a green and purple bird in a fishbowl; you were happy but a little confused as to why this random bird was here.

"Where did you come from?" You asked softly as you swam closer and slowly held your hand out.
The bird squawked quietly, looking at you curiously and gently nuzzling your hand with his beak, making you giggle softly.
"Your cute" you said as you gently pet his head, making him flap his wings in a happy manner at the affection he was getting.

"Ah, I see you met my new pet bird"

You turned and saw your uncle at the doorway, smiling.
"Hello uncle Synth, I didn't know you had a pet bird" you said as you continued to pet said bird.

Synth chuckled and swam over to you, giving you a kiss on your forehead "I got him a while back, I kinda forgot to mention it" said the techno ambassador, chuckling nervously.

You smiled and continued to pet the water bird gently. The water bird flapped it's wings happily and flew onto your shoulder, squawking softly in affection.

Synth chuckled softly "he likes you"
You pet the water birds head "I like him too"

You spent the rest of the day playing with him and your uncle, the little water bird was just so adorable, and you couldn't wait to play with him more.

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