The day you learn a valuable lesson

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Me and Suwako20 wrote this chapter together ☺️

It was a beautiful sunny evening in Trollstopia!
And today, Trollex had asked your grandparents (on your mother's side) to take care of you because there is no one else who could be free at the moment due to the wedding preparations making everyone busy.
Your granparents of course agreed to taking care of you.
You and Trollex had just arrived in Trollstopia, there, your grandparents were already waiting for you.
Trollex knelt down to you, giving you a loving smile.
"Alright my angel, I'll be back to pick you up soon" he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
You turned and smiled as your grandparents approached you, happy smiles on their faces as they pulled you into a hug.
You smiled and instantly hugged back,
"Hello my little darling!" Your grandmother cooed.
"Hey sweetie" your grandfather said, smiling down at you.
You smiled up at them "hi grandma, hi grandpa"
They smiled and set you down gently.
Your grandfather looked down at you with a smile and asked " hey Y/n, is it alright if you could give us a tour of Trollstopia?  We have been planning to see it ever since we heard a lot about it"
You smiled happily and nodded "sure, follow me"

And so, you gave your grandparents a tour of Trollstopia itself. Luckily It was Saturday so you had the whole day.

the three of you walked around, looking around the city. Your grandparents looked amazed by seeing a lot of different trolls from each tribe and listening to the music outside of EDM. It was kinda refreshing.

As you all walked, you decided to stop by an ice cream truck to eat ice cream.
Suddenly, you heard a familiar cheerful voice say "hey little cupcake!" You turned to see Poppy walking over to you with a smile. Behind her you saw her father, former king Peppy.
She then noticed your grandparents and smiled at them "oh my gosh! Hi! You must be Y/n's grandparents right? Sweet little Y/n here told me so much about you guys!" She said, her eyes sparkling with joy "I'm Queen Poppy of the pop trolls! But you probably already knew that, and this is my dad, Peppy" She said, as her father walked up to the two older techno trolls.
Your grandparents smiled at the two pop trolls and shook hands "I'm Pearl and this is Hector, it's great to meet you both"Your grandmother said with a smile while Hector nodded.
After that, they gladly started talking about boring adult stuff and other things about the city. They were so into the conversation that they did not notice you were beginning to get bored, very, VERY bored.
You sighed, sitting down on the soft green grass, watching as different tribe trolls went about their day doing their business.


You were going to die from boredom!

However, you then noticed some techno trolls older than you along with some pop trolls with leafs in their hands.

this meant only one thing...

They are going to do whirlpool surfing!

Your boredom suddenly disappeared as you thought of the fun game.
As you watched them, you grinned mischievously, deciding to try it again.

let's see how it goes, what's the worst that could happen?

You got up and turned back to the adults who still kept talking. You then flew up in the air a little and sneaked away from them, following the group of trolls from earlier.

when you arrived at the river, Iris Suddenly came out of your hair looking at you curiously.
"You know you are not allowed to do this. right?"

You rolled your eyes "yeah yeah I know, but what could possibly go wrong if I try it again once.....or twice. Remember what Cloud said? practice is important to mastering a skill." You said as you examined the river to find a safe spot where you can jump on.

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