A toxic nightmare part 2: Grandparents

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry it has taken this long for the chapter to come out, I've been busy with college and homework, and I had to prepare for exams, but anyway, it's here now,
Me and Suwako20 wrote this chapter together

Get your tissues ready

It had been three days since the interrogation, you didn't know what had happened, whenever you asked your dad he would change the subject in a matter of seconds. He also kept you with him at all times, literally.
You didn't even leave his line of sight. you went to meetings with him which were incredibly boring. You would just be sitting on his lap and playing with whatever you had been given to you while your father and the leaders had a conversation you couldn't fully understand.
He even took you out of school and was now homeschooling you, he said it was only temporary until everything was safe for you. You didn't know what he meant by that...
The other leaders and ambassadors would look at you sympathetically whenever they saw you, you asked them if they knew what was wrong and they would say that it wasn't something you needed to know about until you were older. When you asked your aunt and uncle it was the same response.
You also noticed that your dad's colours were looking a little grey and he often seemed distracted and sad, however he would try and hide what he felt when you were around, but when he thought no one could see him, he looked....sad.
You felt worried, what had happened?

Did you do something wrong?

Was it because you disobeyed him?

You didn't know....

You were in your room, drawing a picture of techno reef. You then heard a knock at your door, it opened and your dad came in, along with Beat.
"Hey sweetheart, we're gonna visit someone today, you don't know them, but, there your grandparents, your mom's parents" he said softly, he looked....a little sad, but he quickly hid it and smiled softly at you.


Your mom's parents!?

They were alive!?

"I thought mommy's parents were dead" you said, swimming up to him, you had seen your grandparents, your dad's parents, but they were busy and traveled around the ocean, but you had seen them at your your birthdays, except the last one, they were too far away and couldn't make it in time, but you still saw them in the holidays. When you asked about your mom's parents he told you it was complicated, you always assumed that it meant they were gone.
He looked away, looking sad once more "Well....after what happened with your mom, they we're really sad and found it it really hard to leave there home, but there doing a lot better now, and they want to see you" he said, picking you up

You thought for a minute "did.....did they blame me for what happened to mommy?" You asked
"No baby, they didn't. They saw you as an egg and already loved you very much. But....they needed time to heal over what happened and they kind of shut themselves away. But hey, don't worry there better now" Trollex said.
On the day of the funeral, he had seen his mother and father in law, they looked incredible grief stricken...however though they did manage to smile, just a little when they saw you as an egg.....however though that was the only ounce of happiness they showed that day, but he couldn't blame them, he had heard that loosing a child was the worst pain anyone could go through...
Trollex pushed those thoughts away, he didn't want to remember that depressing day, he couldn't cry, not in front of you.
He smiled at you and kissed you on the forehead "Come on baby, let's go" he said swimming out of the castle and heading in a direction you had never gone in before.

*time skip*

You arrived at a nice looking shell like house, the shell itself was a mix of pink and neon blues.
Your dad placed you down and knocked on the door, a few minutes later a female techno troll opened it.
She had F/c scales, H/c hair that turned purple at the top, magenta and lilac coloured pixels on her tale, and lilac and hot pink arms and dark pink eyes. You noticed that her colours were looking a little grey.
She smiled at your dad warmly, she then noticed you and gasped "Trollex, is that..." she said, looking down at you in surprise, tears welling up in her eyes.
Trollex nodded "Yeah Pearl, it's her"
You suddenly felt nervous and hid behind your Dad's tail. He noticed and picked you up, giving you a soft gentle smile
"It's ok baby, she's your grandma, she won't hurt you" he cooed gently, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
You still weren't so convinced and clung on to your dad tightly, hiding your face in his chest.
"Sorry, she's shy" your dad said, stroking your hair
Your grandmother smiled "it's alright, I understand"
You swam into the house, it looked nice, the walls were a nice cyan colour, the carpet was a dark blue colour, there were shell and coral ornaments on tables and there were pictures of what looked to be your mom hanging on the walls.
You went to sit down on an arm chair, but as you touched the arm of the chair something suddenly moved and swam away in another direction.
You jumped up in fright and hid behind your dad, shivering slightly.
Pearl laughed softly, she looked in the direction the creature swam in, you looked too and noticed it was a seahorse.
The seahorse was looking at you and your dad curiously, it's eyes lit up after looking at your dad, it swam towards him, making purring sounds and nuzzling your dad.
Trollex laughed and pet the seahorse "hey Stormy, I missed you too"
Stormy jumped around in excitement, his eyes then landed on you, he looked at you curiously.
Your dad smiled at you "sweetie, this is your grandparents pet sea horse, Stormy"

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