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You and your dad had just arrived at Lonesome flats.
You and your friends were all having a hangout at Clampers home for a sleepover.
Though you had to admit, lonesome flats was a little too hot for your liking, being a techno troll and all, it made your skin dry up more than it usual and not to mention there wasn't much water around, but you could always go in the Bath to save your skin from drying up so it wasn't all bad.
As you lay snuggled into your dad's arms and approached the house, you still found it a little weird that the country trolls lived in houses made out of quilts, wouldn't it be hotter for them inside?
You'd have to ask Clampers about it when you saw her.

As you got to the front door, you noted that it was quiet inside, you were the first to arrive.
Trollex knocked on the door with his free hand, when it opened you were pleased to see your BFF, smiling up at you.
"Hi Y/n! Hi mr king Trollex!" Clampers greeted enthusiastically.
Before you could both say hi back, you heard a familiar voice yell from the kitchen "Clampers! What did ah say about opening the door without me around? It could be a stranger!"
Clampers huffed in annoyance and turned her head towards the room yelling "I saw who it was from the window! It's Y/n and mr king Trollex!"

The annoyance in Delta's voice seemed to have vanished as she came trotting out of the room and over to the front door saying "ah see! Why hello there king Trollex and little Y/n! Your both right on time!" Said the country troll in a friendly manner, smiling warmly.

Trollex smiled back and placed you down so you could talk to Clampers "that's good to hear, I was a little worried we'd be late"

You payed no mind to the boring conversation your dad and Delta were having and smiled at your best friend "hi Clamps! You ready to have fun?"

Clampers nodded "yeah I am! I got a lot of stuff planned for when our other friends arrive!" She quickly checked a clock on the wall "It'll probably be a little while before they arrive, But for now, do you wanna see my toys?" She asked with an excited smile.
You nodded "yeah!" You then turned to your dad who had just finished talking to Delta "hey daddy? Can I go play with clampers in her room?"
Trollex looked down at you "of course you can baby girl" he knelt down to your level and kissed you on the forehead before giving you a warm hug "I'll pick you up in the morning, ok my baby?" He said softly, feeling a little emotional about leaving you.
You nodded, also feeling a little upset, you'd miss him, but you would at least see him soon.
"Ok daddy, I'll miss you" you said, burying your face in his chest.
"I'll miss you too baby" he said before reluctantly breaking the hug and standing back up "have a good time baby girl, love you" he said with a smile.
"I love you too daddy" you responded, watching him leave feeling a little sad.
You quickly snapped out of it and turned to Delta "aunt Delta? Please can I go play with Clampers? I'll be careful"

Delta chuckled fondly, feeling her heart melt at you calling her aunt. She nodded and ruffled your fibre optic like hair "of course you can darling"

With that, you and Clampers headed to her room to play.
Clampers room was nice looking, the walls were made out of light blue and red patterned quilts, the floor was made out of a grey fabric, in the middle of the room was a sun shaped rug, the right corner of the room had a small pile of wooden toys and a wooden toy box with flower patterns on it. On the left side of the room was Clamper's bed, the sheets were a peach color with a patchwork pattern on them, and the legs had bite marks on them. As did the bedside table that stood bedside the bed.

"Your room looks cozy" you commented, looking around some more before joining Clampers on the floor next to her pile of toys.
"Thanks!" She replied, picking a glitter rattle snake toy up "now let's play!"

After a short while, your other friends arrived, and after all settling down in Clampers room, you were all playing a brand new battle card game that Oscar had brought with him.
The cards consisted of many different creatures from the different tribe lands and what damages they did, how much health and defence they had and what they were weak too.

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