You meet laguna

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This chapter was requested by Mgibbons5603, thank you 😊
Also the drawing was made by a friend of Suwako20

Today you were visiting your uncle, you had just made it to techno lagoon. You swam off of the flower pod and looked around for him but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Yo glow stick!" you heard a familiar voice yell excitedly.

You smiled as you felt two familiar dark purple hands pick you up from behind and pull you into a loving hug.
You giggled and hugged him back "hey uncle Synthy" you said, nuzzling your cheek with his and wrapping your tale around his waist.
He chuckled and hugged you closer.
Suddenly you grabbed his left fin ear and pulled on it roughly.
Synth flinched in pain and gently swatted your hand away "ow! Glow stick what was that for!?" He asked, rubbing his fin ear with his free left hand.
You gave him a serious look "that was for betraying me!"
Synth looked confused "betraying you? What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
You blinked, you then remembered your uncle had a short term memory "remember when I snuck out to see the piñata bot battle? And YOU betrayed me and told my dad"
Synth looked down in thought for a few minutes, before a look of realisation appeared on his face "oooooh! Oh! Yeah, That, yeah I remember now" he then looked you in your eyes and matched your serious expression, but he had a playful smile on his face so you knew he wasn't being entirely serious, to be honest, Synth being serious was unheard off. "glow stick I had to, you'll understand when your older" he said in a stern but gentle tone, bopping your nose softly.
You sniffled and sneezed cutely at that, you had a sensitive nose. Synth chuckled at that while you huffed in annoyance, but smiled and booped his nose back. To your disappointment he didn't sneeze.

"Hello Synth, I need to ask you-oh, why hello there Princess Y/n" you heard a unfamiliar female voice say.
You looked over to the direction the voice came from and saw a purple skinned female techno troll with dark blue hair, neon eyes, and she wore round glasses.
Before you could ask who she was, your uncle said in his usually cheerful tone "ah glow stick, meet Laguna Tidepool! She's our antrollogist!"
"What's a antrollogist?" You asked, tilting your head to the side slightly.
"It's a troll that studies behaviours of other trolls" Laguna said, swimming over to you and your uncle and giving you a friendly smile.
"Oh, So that means that you learn the behaviours of the other tribes? That sounds cool!" You said, smiling up at her, your adorable green eyes sparkling with awe.
Both Laguna and Synth chuckled at your enthusiasm, Laguna then booped you on the nose, making you sneeze cutely, you pouted at this, unfortunately for you it made you look cuter.
"Fact: you are super adorable" she said, petting you on the head and then pulling out a shell shaped note book and purple pen from her hair, she then began writing something down.
"Since your a antrollogist, dose that mean you also studied the tribes history too? Like way back to the beginning?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.
She nodded "why yes, I was just heading off to the library to learn more, would you two like to come?" She asked with a smile.
You and your uncle both nodded and you all headed off to the library.

Once there, you all checked out books about the strings and the troll ancestors, unfortunately none of it gave you deeper history.
You sighed and looked over at another bookshelf that might have something, so you flew over. However, as you got closer you noticed something, you saw a very faint outline of what looked to be a door of some kind, curious, you placed your hand on it and pushed.
Unfortunately for you, it barely budged.
You turned to your uncle and Laguna who were looking at books about the strings "guys, I found something interesting!" You called, making them abandon their books and walk over to you.
"What is it glow stick?" Synth asked
You pointed to the out the door "it's a secret door, but I can't open it" you said
"A secret door? Interesting" Laguna said, placing her right hand on her chin and smiling.
You all tried to push it open but it still didn't work.
Synth sighed "it's no use girls, it's shut pretty tight, but don't worry, Stand back"
You and Laguna looked at each other in confusion and stood back. Wondering what Synths plan was.
He began to back away, staring at the door with a determined expression.

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