Holliday in harmony (🎄christmas special🎄)

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Merry Christmas guys!!
I know it's not technically Christmas yet but Its close.

⚠️this chapter contains spoilers to Trolls Holliday in harmony⚠️
but you already knew that.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter 🥳


You had just finished adding some multi coloured Christmas lights to one of the many LED corals, you turned hearing music and and saw your dad and Branch.
Branch had opened a basked and a bunch of cards flew out and you saw a card floating in the water near you.
You abandoned your decorating and swam over to it, picking it up and looking at it curiously, you opened it up and saw that it was an invitation. Then you noticed a strip sticking out of the little felt present, you took it out and saw that you had Orion as your secret person.

You smiled at this, feeling happy that you had one of your friends as your secret person, you immediately began wondering what gift you could get him.
Then you noticed your dad in the distance and
You swam over to him with an excited smile "hey daddy! There are invitations!"
He turned to you with a smile "I know baby, this is going to be fun!" He said In his usual cheerful tone.
You then noticed that he was holding one too, and he was also holding a little strip that had his secret person on it "cool you got one too!" You zoomed over to him to see who he got, but he quickly placed the strip in the card and snapped it shut so you couldn't see.
"Ah ah ah, no peeking my angel" he exclaimed smugly, giving you a sly grin.
You pouted and tried to grab the card off of him, but he gently grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to his chest and moved the card further away.
"aw come on I wanna see!" You whined, reaching for the card.
"No my baby, it's a secret~" he replied smugly, holding the card further away.
You groaned and flopped on his arms, going completely limp, you head him chuckle and noticed from the corner of your eye that he was lowering the card.
You couldn't resist and made another grab for it, but unfortunately for you he was prepared and moved the card away from you once more. Looking down at you with a smug grin.
You groaned and rested your head on his chest, sighing in defeat, you looked up at him and gave him the best puppy eyes you possibly could "please" you begged, hoping this would work.
Your dad only gave you a loving smile and sighed amusedly, nuzzling your nose with his. "it's tempting buuut...." he paused, pretending to be deep in thought, he then gave you a kiss on the cheek "no"

"Ugggggh" you groaned burying your face into his chest. You'd have to try again another time...
"Come on baby girl, we gotta head to Trollstopia so we can get some wrapping paper" he said, swimming to the surface with you in his arms.

As you got to pop village you saw many trolls with wrapping paper and gifts, presumably for their secret person.
You then looked up at your dad and swam out of his hold "I gotta think of a present for my secret person! If i tell you mine will you tell me yours!?" You asked quickly, looking at him hopefully.
He just chuckled and shook his head "no~"
You huffed and crossed your arms, looking annoyed. Then you remembered you had to go Make a gift for Orion, and you had to be quick.
"Daddy I gotta go and make a gift, I'll see you later" you said, flying out of his arms.

"Wait a minute baby girl, don't forget goodbye hugs" he said with a smile, opening his arms for a hug.
Although you were in a hurry you could not resist that, you could never say no to hugs.
You smiled brightly and zoomed over to your dad, giving him the best hug you could.
He chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
After a few more seconds, you both broke the hug and you began flying away "goodbye daddy" you said while waving to him.

"Goodbye angelfish, and don't go too far ok? Oh and be careful" said Trollex, waving back.

"I will" you replied before zooming away and out of sight.
Now...what could you get Orion, what would he like?
You came to a stop as you began to think.
He dose like to watch the guards and trainees fight in the training room, so...maybe you could get him a toy spear?
You smiled, yeah....he'd like that.
You zoomed away to find said gift, you promised your dad you wouldn't go too far but you wouldn't be long and you'd probably be back before he would begin to get worried when he didn't see you anywhere and then he would definitely put the whole Holliday on hold until you were found. he could be so overprotective sometimes.

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