Tickle fight

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This chapter was requested by Sneakyfloof

You were in your uncles pod. Synth was sitting on his couch with you in his lap. Your little arms were wrapped around his waist while Synth had his arms around you, hugging you close to him.
You had just woken up from your nap while Synth was still asleep. It wasn't long until you began feeling bored, you looked around the room for something to play with but found nothing; then you looked at your uncle, an idea formed in your head and a mischievous grin grew on your face. You knew you'd probably get 'punished' for this. But it was worth it.

You unwrapped your arms from his waist slowly and moved your fingers to his sides. and began tickling him.
Synth's eyes snapped open and were wide the second he felt the ticklish sensation. A large grin broke out onto his face and he laughed "hahahahhahaha! G-Glow stick stop!" Synth managed to say in between his laughter; wriggling on the couch and trying to push your fingers away but he had success.

You snickered and kept tickling him which caused him to wriggle around and laugh more.
After a minute. You decided to stop and give him a break.
The second you did, Synth slumped down panting heavily and wiping the small tears that had gathered in his eyes away.
You slowly got off of him, looking at him worriedly 'did I go to far?...' you thought as you began swimming back to him.

However though, you froze in your tracks and your worry was replaced with slight fear as Synth had recovered rather quickly. He looked up at you, shooting you a playful glare as he smirked.
"Oh Glow stick..." he chuckled, pushing himself off of the couch "you should not have done that, now..." he paused and held up his hands and wiggled his fingers teasingly; grinning mischievously at you "your so gonna pay!"

You squeaked and quickly zoomed away, though despite the small panic you felt you couldn't help but smile, this was fun!
"Get back here Glow stick!" You heard his voice yell from behind you.
You quickly zoomed into his room and immediately dove under his bed; making sure to fill your natural glow so he wouldn't find you.
After a few minutes, you saw your uncles fins appear from the door "I know your in here~" he said, swimming out the room; he swam to the closet and opened it "nope! Not in here" Synth exclaimed before closing it.
You placed your hands over your mouth to stifle a laugh, he wouldn't find you!

The techno ambassador smirked and crossed his arms, leaning against the closet.
"You know Glow stick" he began, the words surprising you a little "I saw you swim in here, and there's only two places where you can hide, that is of course the closet and..." he paused mid sentence making you confused; why'd he pause?
Just then, you saw his fins move closer to the bed, he kneeled down, and you saw two purple hands suddenly shoot towards you and grab you.
"The bed!" He exclaimed; pulling you out and grinning down at you triumphantly.
You squirmed around in his grasp trying to get free. But sadly it didn't work "nooo!" You cried in defeat, slumping in his arms.

Synth chuckled and moved his fingers to your tail, your most ticklish spot.
Your eyes winded and you remembered what he was going to do, a smile broke out on your face and you immediately began wriggling in his hold.
"Uncle Synth no!"

Synth chuckled "you did it to me Glow stick, it's only fair!" He said before tickling you mercilessly.
You burst into laughter, trying to push his fingers off "no!" You laughed, trying to get free once more.
Synth laughed softly and kept tickling you, after a while, he stopped and looked down at you, smirking "let this be a lesson Glow stick, never tickle me~" he cooed playfully, booping your nose and making you sneeze cutely.

You huffed and punched his arm gently as a sort of 'revenge'. However, you then yawned and rubbed your eyes tiredly; laying your head on his chest. All of that had tired you out.
Synth noticed and smiled; he swam back into the living room and sat back down on the couch, wrapping his tail around you as a sort of blanket.
You smiled and snuggled his chest, sinking into a peaceful sleep.
That was fun, you'd tickle him again sometime to get revenge

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