You meet a deaf troll

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This idea was requested by FoxyGurl2008, thank you for the idea😊
You were in class with your friends.
The teacher then came in with a new pop troll student, the pop troll had bright blue skin, cyan coloured hair and blue eyes.
"Class, we have a new student joining us today. His name is Noah. Noah here was born deaf, it means he can't hear anything, but he communicates though sign language" the teacher explained
The class and your friends looked at Noah in surprise. You looked at him with shock and sympathy.
A....a troll that couldn't hear anything? Poor kid...
The teacher went in to explain what sign language was after Noah had sat down.
You luckily learned quite a lot about the different hand gestures when it came to sign language, it was fascinating but you felt so sorry for him.
Later you and your friends were playing in recess, you looked over and saw Noah playing in the sand pit by himself.
You turned to your friends "Hey guys, you wanna invite Noah to play with us?"
They nodded
"Sure, I think I've got the hang of sign language, it's gonna take a little getting used to though" Clampers said
You all headed over to him, once he noticed you guys he looked up and smiled at you softly.
You waved and made a D sign with your hand and pointed out your index fingers, you then stuck your fingers out and made a Y hand gesture 🤟 and then you made an O with your hand, and then you stuck two fingers in the air meaning a U. You then placed your hands out, curling your fingers for a claw shape and then you pulled your hands back to you, you then touched your left index finger with your right, you made another gesture like this 🤟 with both of your hands and then made the letter A with both your hands and placed them together.
You paused, oh god, you forgot the hand gesture for us.
You decided to point to you and your friends, hoping that your signing was good enough.
His face lit up and he smiled, he nodded and got up from the sand pit.
You all played together until recess was over and you had to get back to class, you all agreed to play with each other more after school and Noah had officially joined your friend group.

More requested chapters are on the way👍

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