Synth and Bliss babysit you

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This chapter was requested by mgibbons5603
"Remember guys, no getting distracted and losing Y/n" said Trollex, crossing his arms and giving his younger siblings a stern glare.

Bliss and Synth sighed and nodded, a little annoyed at their older brothers stern attitude when babysitting you. "yes big bro"
You stood beside your father; hugging his waist while smiling, feeling excited. Today, Trollex had to attend another meeting Lily had already left but Trollex had stayed behind to make sure his siblings knew EXACTLY what to do.
Synth had arrived home for a visit as well. This meant that you'd get to spend time with both your uncle and aunt like old times! It was gonna be so much fun!

"Good, make sure you both keep a good eye on her and make sure she doesn't wander off" Trollex said; rubbing your fin ear with his hand affectionately.
Both Bliss and Synth nodded, with Synth adding "relax big bro! It'll all be fine!"

Trollex sighed and knelt down to your level, looking at you lovingly and giving you a kiss on your forehead "I'll be back soon baby, you have fun ok?"

You smiled softly "ok daddy, I will"
Trollex smiled and got up, saying goodbye to his younger siblings before he left.
"Alright girls, what shall we do first!?" Synth asked excitedly, scooping you up in his arms.
Bliss smiled "let's go have a nice swim around the reef, it's been a while since I swam over there"
"Ok!" Both you and your uncle replied.

You all arrived at the reef and began exploring it, taking in all of the wonderful colors and sights.
As you were all swimming along, Synth spotted a small LED crab crawling along and got an idea.
He smirked as he picked it up and placed it on Bliss's tail.

Bliss frowned and halted when she felt a scuttling sensation on her tail. Looking down, she shrieked in fear when she saw the grab crawling up her tail.
Her yelling startled you and you looked back in shock, seeing her flick the grab off.
Behind her, Synth was laughing, doubled over and clutching his stomach.
"Oh man! You just got Synthed Blissy Bliss!" He laughed "you should've seen the look on your face!"

Bliss turned to him and glared at him, looking furious. "You did this!?"
Synth snickered "yep! Sure did!"
Bliss clenched her fists and marched up to him "how dare you! You know I'm afraid of crabs! You brain dead idiot!"
Synth stoped his laughter and glared at her, offended by the insult "hey! I'm not brain dead!" He snapped back, glaring at her.
"Yes you are! You act like a child most of the time! Your forgetful as a goldfish and you constantly make mistakes!"
Synth looked hurt for a second before that quickly changed to a looked of anger and the two began yelling at each other loudly, looking more mad as the fight went on.

You stood a few meters away, feeling frightened by the loud arguing. You'd never heard either of them yell like this or look so angry before. You didn't like it, you didn't like it at all.
You whimpered and covered your fin ears in a hope to block out the argument, but to no avail. You couldn't take it anymore, it was stressing you out and scaring you.
You quickly zoomed away and back to the LED castle; failing to notice that your aunt and uncle had seen you swim away and were now calling your name.
You zoomed to your room and hid under your bed. Panting a little and trying to calm down.
After a few minutes, you were startled by your door opening.

You peeked out from under your bed and saw your aunt and uncle swimming over to you, looking worried.
"I'm sorry Glow stick, did we scare you?..." Synth asked gently; his purple hand gently grabbing your f/c one.
You sniffled and nodded "I-it was scary..."
both Bliss and Synth looked at you sadly; Bliss gently picked you up and cradled you, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm sorry starfish, we didn't mean to frighten you..." she cooed gently, stroking your cheek.
Synth then had an idea and smiled softly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze "I have an idea, how about me and Blissy Bliss make it up to you! We can do whatever you want"
Bliss smiled and nodded "that's right starfish, you name it"

You felt a little better at hearing that and smiled softly "can we play tea parties and hide and seek?"
Both Bliss and Synth nodded and they both got up and swam over to your little toy table and chairs, with you still in your aunts arms.

"Of course we can Glow stick!" Synth exclaimed happily, already rushing over to grab your little play tea set.
Bliss set you down and you made your way over; forgetting about the previous incident and already feeling happy. You could always count on your aunt and uncle as one of the many trolls to cheer you up; they never failed at doing so.

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