Your Birthday and a discovery

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This idea was requested by Smurfytroll, thank you for the idea 😊

Rex and his friends were gathering items around volcano rock city intending to make weapons with whatever they found. After having been expelled he and his friends were still plotting there revenge, they had thought of a few things but they were too scared of getting caught by your dad.
They heard footsteps behind them, turning around they saw a purple pop troll with green hair. Creek.
"Why hello kids, your names wouldn't happen to be Rex, Baxter, Maxwell Rocky and Death note right?" Creek said in his usual patronising voice
They all nodded
"Yeah, what do you want pop troll?" Rex asked crossing his arms and looking him up and down suspiciously.
"I know about what happened with princess Y/n, and I have a little plan for revenge, are you kids willing to help me with it?" Creek said darkly
This instantly caught the rock troll kid's attention
"Tell us" Rex said, walking over to the pop troll with his friends following.
Creek grinned darkly and began to explain.

Valentino was sitting next to a small pond, angrily throwing stones into it. After being banished from techno reef his family were forced to buy a pod in pop village, they tried to buy a house in techno lagoon but weren't welcome there ether, so instead they had to live with other tribes....which made Valentino and his family very angry.
He continued to throw stones in the water, he then heard footsteps behind him, turning around he saw five rock troll kids and a pop troll. He felt disgusted at the sight before him.
"Ugh, what do you freaks want!?" He spat, looking disgusted
"nice to meet you too" Creek muttered sarcastically
"Whatever you want you can shove it up your ass and piss off! I don't talk to trolls with different music genres" Valentino growled, glaring at them
"Listen asshole, we can help you get your revenge on princess Y/n, we heard that you had some trouble with her in the past" Rex said
"I don't want revenge on her, I want it on King Trollex!" He growled angrily throwing a stone into the pound
Creek sighed "well ok then, how about we hurt Y/n to get to king Trollex, How dose that sound?"
Valentino glared at them, but then looked thoughtful " there a way you can make her fall in love with me?"
Everyone stared at him in surprise
"Why would you want that?" Rex asked
"I wanna be the king of techno and rule all of techno reef! The only way I can have that is if I get Y/n to fall in love with me and when we get older we can get married and techno reef will have a good future Heir to the throne not a abomination!" Valentino ranted, his voice sounding slightly glitchy with anger
Everyone stared at him in surprise for a moment
"Alright then, how about this; we hurt princess Y/n, and then you can make her swear to marry you when you both get older, How dose that sound?" Creek said
Valentino was silent for a few minutes, thinking. Normally he would never work with trolls that weren't techno trolls, but if this really was going to work then,....
"Hey pissant, we have not got all day, are you in or not!?" Rex snapped
Valentino glared at him before sighing "yes, I'm in. What's the rest of the plan?" He asked
Creek grinned darkly as he began to explain.
The next day
today was your birthday! You were playing in the park while everyone was making the finishing touches to your birthday party.
You heard footsteps behind you, looking around your eyes widened in fear.
Standing a few feet away from you was Creek, the rock troll bullies and Valentino.
"Why hello princess Y/n, so good to see you again" Rex said, walking towards you
You backed away and curled your fingers, the ground started shaking a little.
Creek and the others looked confused
"What are you-" before he could finish water burst from the ground and sent them flying in the air, Creek Quickly grabbed the kids and used his hair as a parachute to float down slowly.
You zoomed forward and punched him, however Rex grabbed your tale and Valentino grabbed your arms, preventing you from moving.
You desperately tried to struggle out of there grips, you managed to do so a little, but then Creek pinned you to the ground, and unfortunately he was a lot stronger than you.
"Wow Princess, I had no idea how powerful you are" Valentino said, a creepy love struck look on his face
"I can't wait to marry you!" He said chuckling darkly "when we get married you'll be my slave and techno reef will be all mine!"
"Valentino for the last time I'm not interested in you! I won't marry you ever!" You yelled
He glared at you
You glared at him and the others
"What do you guys want!" You snapped
"Revenge" Rex said glaring at you
"You see princess, I've-" Creek said darkly but was interrupted when you spat on his face, glaring daggers at him.
Creek growled in anger, wiping the saliva off of his face.
He raised his fist "your going to regret that, We have been planning to get rid of you for a long time" he growled
Hearing that made you confused,
what was he talking about?

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