Water powers

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This chapter was requested by Celinelembke, thank you for the idea 🤩😁👍
Today was a hot day so you were at a little lake cooling off and to avoid drying up.
You played in the water for a few minutes, and when you pulled your hand out of the water whilst getting out, a large wave suddenly rose up and splashed over you. You didn't have time to process what on earth had just happened because It didn't stop there, the wave turned into a flood and it was heading towards pop village/trollstopia!
In a attempt to try and stop it, you rose your hands in the air, but it did nothing. However though in your attempt to stop it you had unintentionally caused water to burst out of the ground (like Synth had when auditioning) in the other troll kingdoms, causing a few mini floods to happen and a few things to get destroyed.
You panicked, what the hell had just happened!?
The leaders were visiting pop village/trollstopia, you hoped that they along with everyone else there was ok.
Panicking more you flew off in the direction the flood had gone.

Synth stood on a now flooded ground after a flood had just hit pop village/trollstopia, it wasn't a bad one but it swept trolls off there feet, and water had burst from the ground as well. He looked around and saw a few frightened and very confused trolls along with a few damaged food carts and other objects but luckily no one seemed hurt, everyone was just wondering what in the world had happened.
"SYNTH!!" He heard a familiar voice yell
Startled, he turned around and saw the leaders, his brother and the ambassadors stomping towards him, they all looked angry and were soaking wet. They attempted to stomp towards him but couldn't do so since the water was up to there legs, minus Trollex Dante and Trollzart who were flying.
"What the hell man!? I know it's hot but did you have to drown everyone!?" Barb yelled huffing like a angry bull and looking like she wanted to punch him
"Wait, hang on" Synth said but was ignored
"Yeah Synth what was that!? Look at all the damage you've caused!" Trollex scolded gesturing to the destroyed food carts and other various things laying on the flooded ground
The others gave him angry glances as they squeezed water out of there clothes and hair
"It's going to take forever to clean this mess up, what where you thinking!?" Delta scolded twisting her tale to get the water out
"Guys hang on, I didn't cause this!" Synth said glancing around at the mess
Everyone glared at him "oh yeah, sure you didn't" said Val, sarcasm dripping from her voice
"There's no point in lying Synth, you are the only techno troll that has these powers, and you and I both know that only royal blooded techno trolls can have them, so don't even think about pinning this on someone else!" Trollex scolded, glaring at his younger brother
"I'm serious I didn't do this, Stop accusing me!" Synth yelled now getting angry
"Accusing you!? How can we not when King Trollex himself just said-" Val was cut off when you suddenly sped over and hugged your dad's waste, sobbing.
"Y/n, baby girl what's wrong?" Your dad asked worriedly, picking you up. Everyone else was now looking at you in concern, the upcoming argument having been forgotten.
"I-I-I'm Sorry, I don't know how it happened I-it's all my fault, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" you sobbed burying your face into his chest
"Sweetie what's wrong? What happened?" He asked softly
"T-this was my fault, I, I was in the lake and when I got out i made the water go really high and It caused the flood, I don't know how it happened, I'm sorry" you cried
The realisation suddenly hit everyone
Synth was the first to speak "aww, it's ok glow stick, it was an accident"
Barb tuned to Trollex "Wait, how can she have water powers too, I though Synth was the only one that had them, or did Queen M/n have them too?"
"Water powers are very rare and they sometimes skip generations, me and Bliss don't have any, and neither did our parents, and she didn't get them from M/n ether she wasn't a royal blooded techno troll, Y/n and Synth likely inherited it from our ancestors, I remember my parents telling me about them when Synth first used them" Trollex explained
You calmed down a little after hearing that "how do I control them?" You asked
Synth smiled "I'll teach you sweetie"
You all arrived at the lake, Synth manipulated the water making small waves and whirlpools
"As you can see It's all in the hands, just relax have your fingers curled like this" he said demonstrating the hand gesture "and think of whatever you want, like whirlpools, waves and water blasts and it'll happen, oh and if you want to stop it just close your hand and make a fist" Synth said
You looked at the water, you wanted to do what Synth did at the audition (you hadn't seen it but he told you about it).
You curled your fingers slightly and thought of some water blasts (I'm sorry I have no idea what those are really called) suddenly five powerful, giant water blasts shot out of the lake.
Everyone gasped, looking at the sight in shock and awe at how powerful and strong your powers were.
"Yeaaah you go glow stick!" Synth cheered along with everyone else who clapped and also cheered.
You closed your hand making a fist and the water blasts sunk down and disappeared.
You smiled and zoomed around in excitement "I have water powers!" You cheered
Your dad along with the leaders and ambassadors chuckled at your excitement, your just so adorable!
They all looked over to see Synth, he had his arms crossed and was staring at them sternly
"What?" Val said
"What!? You guys owe me an apology for accusing me of the flood!" He said throwing his arms in the air
They all chuckled nervously
"Hehe, sorry bro" Trollex said the others also apologised
"But you can at least see why we thought that!" Barb said
Synth glared at her
Synth shrugged "eh ok, I'll let it go just for that"
He turned to look at you still flying around in excitement, he smiled

He was so lucky to have you as a niece.

More chapter requests on the way👍

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