You meet Satin and Chenile

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This was requested by Camzy2004, thank you for the idea ☺️

You and your friends waited under the huge tree for your  parents.
Lily showed up first. But before she could take you home, two girls in pretty dresses suddenly ran towards you and your mom, stoping you from leaving.
"Wait please we need your help!" said the blue one.
"Yes we think you are the best ones for the job!" the pink one said, following who you presumed was her sister.
You all looked at each other in confusion. Seeing this, the twins tried to explain themselves better.

"Okay first my name is Satin, and this is my sister Chenille. Today there will be a fashion show here in trollstopia, and we need models for the test dressing. And I think you all are perfect for that." Satin said.

"Don't worry about your parents kids, We talked with them first and they agreed that you could come with us." Said Chenille.

You all looked at each other. You and the other girls were excited about it while the boys....well....not so much. Lily on the other hand was hesitant, thinking why she needed to as well.

"Come on everyone, they need help. Besides, I like dress up and stuff and these two are the best fashion makers in the whole village!" Strawberry cried to everyone excitedly, making the twins blush a bit.
The boys wanted to escape, however you and the girls grabbed them and dragged them with you, making sure they can't escape.
And You managed to convince Lily to try it too.

When you were all in the twins's home, you and the girls were in awe at all of the amazing clothes hanging around in the room.
The boys looked annoyed and bored, secretly trying to think of how to survive this. meanwhile Lily checked her clock thinking if both her and you have enough time to do this thing.
A few hours went by, it was mainly dressing everyone in different clothes asking you all to move around so that the twins can see you better.

When you had all done, it was already sunset. the kids were so tired that quicky fell asleep expect You and Orion. You couldn't help but really like one dress for both yourself and Lily, yours was a dark blue dress with white striped patterns and a dark purple bow wrapped around your waist.
Lily's was a dark blue dress that had orange sequins on it, making it sparkle beautifully.
You begged Lily to wear it, and Lily could not say no to your adorable face, so she kept it on.
"You girls can keep the dresses as a thank you gift" Satin said with a smile while Chenille nodded.
"Thank you" Lily said politely, picking you up and leaving.

When the parents of your friends took their sleeping kids back home, you and Lily were already in the caterbus, going to the beatch.

"You look so pretty mommy!" You said happily as you looked at her in awe.
"Thanks sweetie. you are also pretty too." Lily smiled back, stroking your hair affectionately.

When you both arrived, Lily was a little worried if the dress is waterprof or not. she didn't want ruin it.

But you luckily calmed her down saying that the twins put something on both dresses so they wouldn't be destroyed by the water.

When you and your mom arrived to the castle's gates, you both approached  a tired looking Trollex, who just now finished a long rave.
You noticed something strange about him when he saw you both. His gaze never left Lily and he also looked frozen with a shocked expression, his face turning bright red as he looked Lily up and down.
You grew confused and tried to call his name to get his attention, but he didn't seem to hear you.

You looked back at Lily, who had a knowing sly smile on her face as she went closer to him and whispered soemthing into his fin ear, before she turned and swam into the castle, and into her room while trollex's gaze followed her until she dissapeared of sight.

You only got more confused as you did not hear what she said, but whatever it was made your dad turn even more red then before.

You gently grabbed his hands and shook them, calling his name, this made Trollex finally snap out of it, and he finally looked down at you.
He smiled brightly at seeing you "Wow you look good also angelfish" he said then picked her up "Nobody can tell that your not a princess. "

"I feel that way now too" you said happily then hugged him, wrapping your small tale around his waist.
He smiled and wrapped his tale around you.
After a while, he gently broke the hug and looked down at you with a smile "Let's go back inside okay? I still need to do some work, and you little miss need sleep." He said with a knowing smile.
You nodded, looking sleepy "Okay daddy." You said with a yawn, snuggling into his chest.
And so, the both of you went inside the castle.

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