Trollex finds out your secret

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You had left to go visit Veneer. You told your dad you were going out to hangout with your friends.
You Veneer and Floyd had all grown so much closer, you considered each other family; Floyd was like an uncle to you and Veneer, while you saw Veneer as an older brother.

As you were out, you thought everything would be fine. But you were so wrong.

Trollex entered your room with a pair of sea sponge headphones for you; they served as a backup in case the ones you currently had stopped working.

"Oh right, she's out" Trollex mumbled to himself placing the headphones on your desk, as he turned to leave he noticed a box full of
Letters sticking out from under your bed.
The techno troll didn't think anything of it, assuming they were letters from your friends.
Trollex had no intention on invading your privacy and went to close the lid and shove the box further under your bed when a name written on the envelope caught his attention.

From Veneer.

Trollex felt his heart skip a beat "what!?" No it couldn't be! But he had to be certain.
Pulling the box from under the bed and tearing the lid off, he picked the letters up and saw each and every one inside was from Veneer.

Trollex's eyes were wide with shock, his heart drumming inside his chest with an unsettling feeling bleeding into his veins. Why on earth would you be in touch with the Mount Rageion?
It could not be the same Veneer though right?
the Veneer that helped kidnap you. The Veneer that stole your talent. Maybe it was just a new troll friend with the same name, right!?

Trollex swallowed thickly and took the first letter out and opened it. He hated invading your privacy, but he just needed to be sure that it wasn't actually that Veneer.

He read through each one; and his fear was confirmed that it WAS him.
The techno king dropped the letters back into the box in shock, too stunned to properly think as he took all the information in.
Trollex was conflicted when it came to Veneer, he did feel sympathy for the mount Rageion boy, Veneer was a kid who had been manipulated his entire life by his own sister and was likely forced into the whole fame thing, and Trollex did wish for him to get the help he needed. So when he was released from prison early, Trollex was disappointed. How was Veneer going to learn anything by just being released so quickly with no real consequences? He didn't like that the Mount Rageion got a slap on the wrist for kidnapping. After all, nobody forced him to commit those crimes.

Trollex knew Veneer was spineless when it came to his sister. He would do anything to make her happy and keep her content. From what Floyd had told him about Veneer; it seemed like he was constantly walking on eggshells around Velvet. He hadn't really gone into the music industry with the intentions of scamming or hurting anyone, he just couldn't stand up for himself against Velvet.

But on the other hand, when was enough enough? Veneer was grown enough to know what he was doing was objectively wrong.
And that day Trollex found you were kidnapped, had to be one of the worst days of his life. Not knowing if you were dead or alive and severely suffering, he was surprised he managed to hold it together enough to actually make it to Mount Rageous.

The incident still stuck with him, he hadn't had a good nights sleep in a while, fearing that'd he'd wake up and you'd be gone, kidnapped again. And he could tell you often had nightmares about the incident; sometimes you'd wake up screaming, and when Trollex rushed to your room to comfort you he'd hear you yelling to be let out or for someone to stop, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what your nightmares were about. You never told him because it wasn't something you wanted to revisit, but Trollex knew.
Some nights he had to stay up all night with you because you couldn't settle; but Trollex would be right by your side holding you. Comforting you and telling you that you were now safe.
He didn't care that he would be exhausted the next day, he just wanted to make you feel better, it would take time, but he'd always be there for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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