Trolls band together (120 follower special)

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A/n: warning, this is a chapter containing major spoilers from Trolls band together, don't read until you've seen the move.

Today was a wonderful day; you were in Bergen town preparing for the wedding of Bridget and Gristle; honestly Bergen town was a lot like pop village or techno reef; everyone was so happy now.

As your parents were getting ready for the wedding, you were being babysat by Branch.
You had gotten bored and decided to wander around the old troll tree.
In there you saw an old white pod that was overgrown with vines and leaves; as you ventured inside you spotted a record player and noticed some albums stacked nearby.
Picking one up, you saw the cover had the word Brozone on it along with five pop trolls.
You placed the disk in and a wonderful song played.

As you were listening; Branch had found you there, and once he heard the familiar song, he immediately got flashbacks of that terrible day.
He quickly rushed over and tore the disk from the record player; surprising you.
You looked up at him in concern "uncle Branch what's wrong?...." You said in worry.

"Y/n, don't ever go through these things again!" He snapped, his face was full of hurt "now go back to your father!"
You whimpered, he had never been mad at you before, you didn't like it one bit.
You began to cry and zoomed out of the pod as fast as you could, flying away from Bergen town.

Now; you sat on a beach, sniffling, you were just about to leave when you spotted a flyer.
Curious, you picked it up and saw the bright colors and gold colored letters read "famous Popstars Velvet and Veneer are hiring trolls to assist as backup singers in future shows, the auditions will be held in their home at Mount Rageous"
You wiped your tears "maybe I can go there, I don't wanna face daddy if he's mad at me too..." you muttered and turned the flyer, seeing a map that lead to Mount Rageous.

You turned to the ocean and whistled, your dad could summon sea creatures for help, and he had taught you how to do so not long ago; but at the moment you could only summon small fish.
A neon sail fish popped out from the water and looked at you curiously, waiting for your command.
You showed him the map "please take me here"
He nodded and you climbed on his back, the sail fish then sped off at an incredible speed. You didn't plan to stay there for long, just one audition wouldn't hurt; it would be fun.

How wrong you were...


You arrived at the large diamond door and knocked, after a minute a little paper creature with shiny red glasses opened the door, smiling a sweet little smile.
"Oh hello there! My names Crimp, I assume you saw the add right?" She chirped.
You nodded "yeah! Are Velvet and Veneer here?"

"Yes, right this way sweetie"
She led you inside and you followed, looking at the beige colored hallways until she stopped at a room where two large doll looking creatures stood, both of them had green hair and pale silver skin, but the woman had pink lips while the guy had green, they wore shiny golden tops and their shoes looked to be made of diamonds.
The woman was busy applying makeup while the guy was reading a few papers, likely their next song.
"Hey Velvet, Veneer!" Crimp called "a little troll has arrived, her name is Y/n Ramos, and she's a princess! She's here for the job"

Velvet and Veneer both immediately stopped what they were doing, Velvet threw her makeup down and turned to you, flashing a sadistic smile.
"Oh just wonderful!" She grabbed a diamond bottle from a nearby shelf and unscrewed the pointy top, and in a heartbeat she grabbed you quite roughly and shoved you inside, screwing the top shut tightly; trapping you inside the diamond prison.

You felt fear and confusion rush through you, what had just happened!? What was going on!? You stared at Velvet through the purple diamond.

"V-Velvet!?" Crimp gasped, looking horrified "what are you doing!? You said you needed trolls for backup singers! What is this!?"

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