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You were always very well behaved for a kid your age, you never disobeyed your dad ever. But today you couldn't help yourself.
Today was Sunday, the leaders had to have a meeting in the funk Troll UFO, you and Clampers has been put in some sort of playroom to be entertained, but you were both anything but that.
You and Clampers were sprawled out on the floor, bored out of your minds, first of the meeting was taking hours, you had both lost track of how long you'd been in this dull room, second, the toys weren't even the slightest bit interesting, they only entertained you for about 5 minutes, and thirdly you couldn't even see Dexter or Tony, they had visited pop village with there parents. Out of all the days this meeting had to happen!

"Oh my god, I. Am. So. Bored!" Clampers yelled in frustration
"So am I, Our Sunday is being wasted every second" you sighed, burying your face into a pillow. Clampers sighed, looking at the door, then she got an idea. Grinning mischievously, she stood up and said "how about we sneak out of this boring room and ride on one of those flying hover boards, no one will know if we ride down the halls"
You instantly got up, finally some fun!
"Yeah, that'll be fun, do you know where they are?" You asked as you both went out the door, quest someone forgot to lock it. "Yeah, follow me" She said walking down a hall.
Just in case you're wondering what the hover boards look like, remember the one prince D went on to prepare for the fight with Barb? It's one of those.
After a few minutes, you both came across a room containing hover boards, Clampers climbed up on one, and it automatically started, she touched one of the ends making it tip to the right slightly, "ok I think I've got this figured out, these must help with steering, and I think you push forward to go" she said as you flew up and grabbed on to her shoulders,
"Ok, you ready Y/n?" She asked looking back at you smiling
"Yeah let's do this!" You said preparing to take off.
Clampers leaned forward slightly, and you both shot forward, she quickly slammed her hand down on the right button to avoid smashing into the wall, you both zoomed out of the room and into the halls, luckily Clampers had learned how to use it pretty quickly, so you didn't have to worry about crashing into walls or anything. You both zoomed down the halls at a fast speed, you kept yourselves from making any noise, you didn't want to attract any attention.
"This is so much fun!"clampers said, leaning forward more to go faster,
"Yeah, this is awesome!" You said enjoying the fast feeling. As you both went faster and faster, Clampers suddenly spotted a dead end ahead, she tried to slow down but it didn't seem to work, she tried steering but the buttons weren't responding
"Oh no, I think it's broken!" She cried smacking the buttons in desperation, as you both got closer and closer to the wall, you had an idea, you grabbed Clampers and flew off, just before you hit the wall


you quickly sunk to the ground, holding Clampers was not easy. You looked at the hover board which had smashed to pieces, you and Clampers both looked at each other a look of horror on your faces. You jumped up on your tale fins, "clamps, we've gotta get out of here before someone-" a guard suddenly appeared from a hall, looking at the damage in front of him,
"Sees us" you finished.

You and Clampers sat in the playroom, anxiously waiting for the punishment that was sure to come.

with the leaders
As Poppy was discussing a few ideas for the school and some other projects, a knock on the door was heard.
"Come in" Queen Essence said,
A funk troll guard opened the door, "I'm so sorry to interrupt the meeting your majesties, But Clampers and princess Y/n have broken one of the hover boards, it was smashed into a wall"
Hearing this, Trollex and Delta instantly shot up
"WHAT!?" They both yelled,
"Is she ok!?" Trollex asked rushing over to the funk troll guard
"Don't worry, she's perfectly fine" he replied
"Where are they now?" Delta asked, looking angry
"There in the playroom, a guards keeping an eye on them"
"Ok, thank you" Trollex said he turned to the other leaders "sorry to leave everyone, I gotta take care of this"
He and Delta left the room, and headed to where you and Clampers were waiting.

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