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Warning, this chapter contains verbal abuse, if your sensitive to this then you can skip the part where it happens, I'll put a warning when it begins and when it ends.

It had been a few days since your incident at school, and the rock trolls were still at it.

Verbal abuse begins
"Ha I cant believe that your a princess! Your nothing more than a sad sorry disgraceful excuse for one!"
"Your dad only keeps you around because it helps with his image, he doesn't love you, no one could love a freak like you!"

"No wonder your mom isn't around, not even the most caring and kindest mothers would want you as a daughter! She must have been so ashamed and disappointed when you hatched!"

It's over

The comment about your mom, and not being loved stung you the most. It hurt worse then anything. you had done pretty well to hide your sadness, although your colours were looking a little grey, you thought no one had noticed, well... your friends were catching on that something wasn't right.

Dexter watched you fly out of sight, a concerned look on his face, he had noticed that your beautiful colours were looking a little grey lately, and you always came back looking traumatised and really upset. The red funk troll turned to his brother and friends, "hey, has anyone noticed that Y/n's colours are a little grey?" He asked looking over at the direction you had gone in,
They all looked at Dexter, concerned looks on there faces, Clampers sighed sadly "yeah, I've noticed too, I wonder what's wrong" she said, looking deep in thought. Twenty minutes later You came back, having a horrified look on your face, the expression changed when you flew up to your friends, this didn't go unnoticed by them however,
"Hey Y/n is everything ok?" Tony asked, his face full of worry
"Yeah your colours are looking a little grey, has something happened?" Symphony asked placing a hand on your shoulder, you froze, realising that they had figured it out "I-I'm fine" you lied, hoping they wouldn't notice.
But they did.
"Y/n, you know you can talk to us about anything, were all hear for you" Clampers said gently. Behind them, you saw Rex and the rock trolls, glaring at you.
You sighed, you knew you couldn't keep lying any longer, "I'll tell you guys after school" you said
The concern on there faces worsened, but they all nodded and you all walked into class together.
After school and you were all waiting for your parents, you and your friends had stayed behind in the playground, you knew that Rex and the rock trolls wouldn't be lurking around here, you saw them leave plus they only harassed you once a day, so you knew you were safe, for now.
You looked at your friends, you couldn't take it anymore, all the sadness you had bottled up came pouring out, you burst into tears, your colours turning slightly more grey, your friends instantly rushed over and hugged you, rubbing your back gently, "Y/n what's wrong?" Clampers asked looking alarmed,
"There there, it's ok pearl" Dexter whispered, pearl was a nickname he began calling you, while you called him raspberry. They all continued to comfort you until you managed to calm down, Dexter whipped your tears away, "thank you guys" you said sniffling, you sighed as you began,
"There's these rock trolls, one of them is called Rex, i don't know the names of the others, but they like to say horrible things to me...." You trailed off, you felt your eyes tear up again, "t-they do it because during the W-world tour I bit Rex's dad on the arm, t-t-they said that if I told anyone then they'd make it worse for me and they would start h-h-hurting you guys" you managed to stop yourself from breaking down again, you whipped away your tears, and when you looked at your friends, they all had one expression. Anger.

Your friends stood there, taking in everything you had just told them, each and every one of them suddenly felt rage building up, Clampers was the first to speak, "those evil vile creatures! I'll beat them till they can't walk!"
" I'll tear there hair out!" Tony yelled
"I'll throw them off a cliff!" Dexter growled
Before the others could say anything, you said "wait, you can't let them know that you all know"
"Why?" Clampers said looking surprised,
"Because they'll move on to you guys, I can't let you all go though that too, you don't deserve it, there so strong, I can't let you guys get hurt too" you said looking down sadly.
Symphony looked deep in thought for a moment, then she said "we'll go to the principle, that would do it"
"But what if they go to Symphonyvill, or lonesome flats, pop village or the UFO, I can't risk you guys getting hurt, I just can't" you said
Dexter instantly jumped up grabbing your hands, "but what about you?" He asked softly
You sighed "I'll be ok, just promise me that you won't say anything about it, to anyone, please" you said, tears welling up in your eyes once more.
They all very reluctantly agreed, you then heard a familiar voice say "Y/n sweetie there you are, I was starting to get worried" you looked over and saw your father flying towards you,
"Sorry Daddy, i was to busy playing with my friends and I forgot to go to the entrance" you said as he picked you up
"That's ok baby girl, just as long as your safe" he kissed your forehead, smiling at you lovingly. He looked at your friends and smiled at them, "hi there kids, your parents are looking for you at the entrance, you should probably get home too"
"Yeah, sure thing Mr Trollex" Clampers said looking a little lost in thought, Trollex didn't notice though, he flew off with you still in his arms, you yawned and snuggled into his chest, exhausted from the events today, Trollex looked down at you and smiled, "tired?" He asked
"Yeah" you muttered, your last thoughts before dozing off where of your friends. You hoped that they would be ok.

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