𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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The Bubble Tea Promise (REWRITTEN)
super duper cliche plot of you being desperately (and secretly) in love with your best friend, soonyoung (ft. best friend!Wonu)

Chapter 1

At some point in your life, you learn that there are things you see for the first time and like in an instant. Your heart’s way of saying yup, that’s cool. Please have more of that. The top three of such things and in no particular order were sunny days, bubble tea, and Soonyoung. It wasn’t love at first sight or anything (God forbid Wonwoo hear you say anything remotely similar). Neither was the wind rushing through his hair majestically as he turned to lock eyes with you. In fact, the decisive moment unfolded at your local McDonald’s. Who knew you’d run into Wonwoo and his friends (of which includes Soonyoung) at 2AM? And as if time was on your side, you walked in right as Soonyoung started doing a walrus impression, french fries hanging from the corners of his mouth and all. You had to stifle your giggles because your friend didn’t find it funny at all, the disapproving look on her face was all too obvious as she pulled you to the cashier. But when you looked back, you caught a split second of the smile that was directed right at you, before he buried his face in his palms in complete embarrassment. Oh boy!

You’d like to say the rest became history but you’re still trying to figure out which part of the story you’re in. Of course you had to get to know Soonyoung, so you clung onto Wonwoo a little bit more than usual until he introduced you to Soonyoung. Ever since the group outing that everyone bailed on except you and Soonyoung, you both became inseparable. As best friends, that is. Maybe you were a little disappointed about Soonyoung’s cynical take on love but if that meant you could still stay up together to dye each other’s hair and watch sad movies until someone laughed at whoever cried first, you could live with it. You did believe in soul mates though but soul mates didn’t have to be desperately in love. There was just something right about him and he didn’t need to say it aloud to tell you that he felt something too.

Despite all that, surely it had to be more than a coincidence that on a sunny day, with a bubble tea in hand, you bumped right into Soonyoung. Time was on your said (again!) and so either the planets must’ve temporary aligned or this was fate. You weren’t usually this clumsy but there were about five more bubbles left in your cup and no tea, so you had to strategically adjust the straw to slurp the last of the artificially sweetened jelly. It might have been a romantic run-in if Soonyoung wasn’t also occupied by his phone, his head bent down at the perfect angle to slam your forehead into his chin.

You look up, rubbing your temple, finding yourself giddy over Soonyoung squinting with his eyebrows furrowed into a scowl. You wait for him to notice you and when he finally does, you are greeted by a glare. Soon young snatches the plastic cup from your hand, rips open the seal and devours the last of the bubbles. You could only watch in horror.

“Excuse me! That was mine!”

“Yeah, excuse you, you klutz.” He ruffled your hair until it stuck out in all sorts of directions and you hated how time froze in moments like this with him.

“You owe me a cup of bubble tea.”

“Technically I’d owe you like, four bubbles only.”

“There were five to be exact but fine, I accept. No more and no less, you promise?”

Soonyoung chuckles at the pinky finger you stuck out in front of him when his phone interrupts rather loudly, the familiar set ringtone making your stomach feel queasy. With one hand he links your pinky to seal the promise, but uses the other to answer the call.

“I’ll catch you later, yeah?”

“Yeah, say hi to Lisa for me.” He held the phone up to his ear and gave you the best possible wink he could pull off, mostly a blinking mess, before getting up and walking away. Lisa was a sweet girl, she really was but you’re still having long debates in the shower with yourself when you thought about how you should act. They’ve been going out for a couple weeks now but Soonyoung hasn’t referred to her explicitly as a girlfriend so you think you’re still in the safe zone. Nevertheless, you couldn’t help but think that she had something that you didn’t, but this was what best friends were for. Not the one you were hopelessly in love with, you were thinking about the other one, Wonwoo.

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