𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

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Chapter 9: The Meet Cute

Taehyung nods to the driver to wait as he stands outside the large vehicle with his arms full of flowers. At the flower shop, he was undecided what type of flowers to get. Jimin warned him off roses, even though there were beautiful pink ones he just knew she would appreciate. But his more sensible friend had reminded him that he wasn't suppose to be bringing her flowers specifically, but instead should bring an assortment of cheerful, friendly flowers for the school, for the children and the staff.

He was nervous before but now, standing in front of the little school building, he's almost shaking. He doesn't even get this nervous before the first show of a concert tour, but this feels like he has to do a report in front of the entire school or go on an interview for his dream job, and he isn't sure he's prepared. Jimin senses his tension and grabs his hand, giving it a little squeeze of support. He smiles at him warmly.

"Just remember that you are here to help support the school and identify what needs to be done. Just focus on that and let the rest happen naturally." He nods at Jimin, hoping he can remember those words.

He takes a deep breath and he forces his legs to move forward, propelling him across the empty street and towards the little building. Jimin follows, pulling out a note pad and pen. Taehyung notices it for the first time once he reaches the door to the school and he looks at Jimin confused.

"I'm going to be writing down what the supply needs are, what needs to be done...and I'll have a pen and paper at the ready in case you want to give someone your phone number." He winks and Taehyung smiles broadly, so thankful he brought him along. He turns back to the front door and shifts the flowers in his arms to free one hand to ring the bell. He looks down, taking one final moment to collect his thoughts before he sees the shadow of someone walking toward the entrance. The door is opened by a very short, very aged woman who smiles warmly.

"Mr. Kim?" she asks, bowing her head. She looks to be over 70 and she's walking with a cane. Her eyes disappear as she smiles at him, welcoming him. Taehyung smiles at her recognizing she must be the Director he spoke with on the phone.

"Good morning, this is my associate Mr. Park. Is it Mrs. Lee?" He bows, and Jimin follows. She nods and steps to the side slightly to allow them to step inside.

"Yes, I'm the Director of the school Mrs. Lee. It's very nice to have you visit our school Mr. Kim, and Mr. Park." She speaks very formally to him, recognizing him to be a man of some means. They step inside the building and Jimin looks around, notepad in hand, playing his part well. He thinks for a moment that there will be much to make note of, the building has definitely seen better days and many things need repair.

"How long has the school been here Mrs. Lee?" he asks. She turns to lead them deeper into the center.

"I started the school 40 years ago," she calls behind her as she walks slowly. Jimin and Taehyung exchange surprised glances. Jimin makes a note. "When my husband was still alive he helped do repairs but he's been gone almost ten years now."

"Oh I'm sorry." Taehyung frowns as he follows her, still holding the armful of flowers. She stops in the doorway of a little office loaded with paperwork and children's artwork. She struggles to sit down and indicates chairs across from her desk.

"These are for your school." Taehyung finally mentions the flowers.

"They are just beautiful. The children will love to do flower arranging with them." She smiles and settles back into her chair, in no hurry to relieve him of his burden. Jimin sits down but Taehyung is still standing holding the flowers unsure what to do with them.

"Do you think I might be able to put these in some water?" He gets an idea. "Mr. Park can begin taking information on the buildings structural needs," he suggests. Jimin responds quickly lifting the notepad as Mrs. Lee nods.

"Oh that would be fine, you can find a small kitchen at the end of the hallway and there should be a vase under the sink." Taehyung smiles and bows, shooting Jimin a quick look, raising his hand up under the bouquet and moving his fingers to the shape of a heart. Jimin smiles and nods at him, understanding the signal.

He steps away from the office and slowly moves down the hall, looking at the art on the walls and approaching a door with a window into what he thinks might be a classroom. He peers in, casually, as he slowly passes. The room is filled with children who look slightly older than those he saw on the tv report. A Korean woman stands at a blackboard, writing. She doesn't notice him in the door way but some of the children do and a few wave in a friendly manner before looking back down to their workbooks in front of them.

He continues down the hallway and sees another door with a window. He approaches even slower and looks into the window, seeing younger children, he smiles thinking this must be her classroom. The children are sitting in a circle on the floor. He looks from side to side for the teacher, seeing no one over age four. He presses his face against the glass at one side and can just make out the shape of an adult leg, but he can't see the rest of the figure but he thinks that it must be her and he leans back to try to get a better view. He's still unable to see more of her. He ducks down, thinking perhaps he might see her from a lower angle. His face is pressed against the glass but luckily none of the children have spotted him yet. He is pressed so close to the door that his bouquet of flowers is being crushed between his body and the door.

"What are you doing?" He hears a soft voice behind him ask sternly. He gasps, aware he's been caught looking very awkward and possibly suspicious. He swallows hard trying to come up with an acceptable response. He turns his body slowly and pulls the flowers away from his shirt front, aware they have probably left a few stains with their pollen. He looks up at the speaker. It's Miss Wright, standing in front of him with a confused, and somewhat fearful expression. His expression drops.

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