𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

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Your First Time - Jungkook
Your child performs for the first time in the school's end of year show.


"Keep holding my hand, it's slippery." Walking down the street full of black ice is never an easy task when you have a three-year-old that consistently tries to escape from you every time he spots piles of snow he wishes he could jump in.

Luckily the hospital is not far off and you hurry inside, eager to leave icy winds.

"Whewe's daddy?" speaks up Joo Won once the nurse who has come with you to the medical room where you will get your second trimester ultrasound has closed the door after her.

"He won't be long."

You get rid of your clothes, hanging your thick coat on the railing next to the door and put your bag right under it. You help your son with his garments as well and drape them over yours.

"Go bring that chair here so you can sit next to me."

Your son struggles a bit before he can get the object moving. With one arm out while still lying on the exam table, you help him pull the chair that seems ridiculously big next to his small body.

He shifts a bit and not a long time passes before, you hear his voice again,"What's dis?"

"This?" You repeat, looking at the black screen that faces both of you. "It's like a small T.V. Where you can see the inside of my tummy."

His eyes travel back and forth the shut screen and your bump, probably trying to guess how that small device could get access inside you.

"Do you want to see it?" Your hand ruffles gently his jet black hair that falls right back in his eyes when his tiny fist grabs onto your fingers.

At the same moment, the door suddenly opens and Joo Won's grasps tightens as he looks behind him, staring cautiously at the female doctor who has just made an appearance. He shyly returns her smile when she circumvents the chair he is sat on to get to the black one put next to the complicated machine on your other side.

"How's mom doing?"

"Good. Back is sore."

You smile to yourself when you remember feeling your baby moving the first time — one afternoon at home where you were laying on the couch with Joo Won happily playing at your feet with his toys, you had blinked your daze away the second you had felt the weakest wiggle ever, which had surely been caused by the feeling your husband's hand, sleeping soundly and spooning you, as it had slid around your belly.

"I remember feeling my son only around the sixth month."

"Yes, that's pretty common for second pregnancies." The doctor replies, typing on the now working ultrasound machine. "You're more familiar with it." She turns around to get a tube. "Ok, let's see your little chipmunk."

Joo Won watches attentively as you hike your shirt up and the way the doctor slathers gel on your abdomen. She then picks up the plastic transducer while you turn your head, to give a reassuring smile to your baby boy.

"It huwts?" He asks, his eyes glued to the unknown object gliding on your skin. You shake your head.

"Don't worry, little man." The doctor's voice suddenly speaks up, "Your mother doesn't feel anything."

Joo Won slightly pulls on your hand in an attempt to hide from her out of shyness and you beam a large smile at his cuteness. You look up at the machine connected to the screen where black and white images, converted from signals emitted from the transducer, of your future baby are showing.

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