𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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What If You Forget?



Yours and Mark's love is like something from a fairytale, never have you adored a boy more. But does your adoration blind you from the tragedy that is inevitable?

The atmosphere around you had grown noticeably colder, the night dropping its curtain upon the world as the people took their final bow by climbing in to their beds and curling up in the warmth and protection of several layered blankets; some in the company of a close loved one, others not, however all remained equally as content and peaceful.

You huffed forcefully as you rubbed your uncovered hands together, pulling the hood of your sweater up around your neck in a desperate attempt to warm up despite having severely underdressed for this weather.

As you paced swiftly up toward the entrance of the hotel, you took moments along the way to appreciate the beauty and calm the evening’s snowfall had left. The way it twinkled gently in the streetlight’s glow, the way it crunched beneath your trainers, the way the thin and few snowflakes still falling lightly grazed your cheek, and caused a sweet stinging sensation that turned your face to a pink blush. Although the cold weather was something you weren’t quite used to before getting together with your boyfriend, you felt sad that you were leaving Canada tomorrow. Being so close with Mark and his home country for the months you’d been there, the often snowy, chilly world had made you feel at home.

Mark had been a huge help in letting you settle in with your new surroundings, of course. Not only did he bring small yet meaningful memoirs of your home town and the people there – the snow globe, postcards, letters from family members, photos – but his presence too. Him just being there made your heart feel warmer. He’d done so much to help you feel more at home.

You could never forget the third night in Canada, when you woke up in the early hours of the morning feeling overwhelmingly homesick, so much it made you ill. Mark spent the whole night and following day with you in his arms, a blanket around both of you, your body shivering violently, as he repeatedly reminded you how wonderful you were, and how it would be okay if you wanted to go back home.

He only left your side briefly, to fetch a fresh bottle of water or some crackers, sometimes some soup to help warm you up even more. One thing you could never forget, even if you tried, was how he never stopped telling you how much he loved you.

“As long as I live, I’m never letting you forget that.” He softly whispered, his breath brushing against your ear as you snuggled in to his lap, the blanket enveloping you both in a bundle of warmth and love. His fingers were entangled in your hair as he lightly stroked it, his other hand rested gently against your shoulder, sending you off to sleep.

Fast forward a year and a half, and you only had one night left in the country you’d begun to settle in. Your shoes screeched against the obnoxiously steamed tiling as you walked through the hotel’s foyer, almost as if they knew this was the penultimate time you’d set foot across these floors. Three times your key card rejected, the red light on the lock flashing mockingly. You muttered curse words under your breath, knocking gently on the door. “Mark, love? Are you back?” You glanced at your watch. 10:32pm. A light shuffling of feet came from behind the door, the handle pressing down slowly and the hinges creaking as your sleepy boyfriend appeared before you. He was wearing a pair of plaid lounge pants - blue and white - the waist strings tied meticulously in to a tiny bow. A plain white shirt consumed Mark’s slim frame, hoisted up and tucked in at the front above the delicate bow. Both his fists were lightly clenched, rubbing circles over his sleepy eyes before dropping to his side to see who he’d answered the door to after such a tiring day on schedule. When he recognised you, his dull expression instantly brightened. His eyes widened, a glow appearing deep in the brown colour you’d always adored, his pink lips lifting to a smile enough to show his perfectly white teeth, and just like the peaceful person he was, and always had been, he stepped out in to the hallway and took you in to his embrace.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 | 𝐊- 𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now