𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒

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Now Exhale

You kept your hands clasped over your mouth as you held your breath as long as you possibly could. Taehyung swam through the familiar water with ease and grace, yet also as fast as he possibly could.  He kept flicking his cerulean gaze down at you, eyes squeezed shut as your loose clothing tugged on your body and hair whipped down against your body at the sheer force of his speed against the powerful ocean.

He knew he you couldn’t hold your breath for much longer.  He was nearly there, a secret place only he knew about where you could breathe and be safe.  Yet, still be under the sea with him.

You hit your limit when you ripped your hands off your red, burning face under the cold water.  Bubbles of air burst from your mouth as the salty water was sucked into your body like a vacuum.  Taehyung gasped at your stupid action.

“Idiot!”  He yelled, perfectly clear under the water thanks to his adaptable body.  Someone like him could breathe and speak like they were above land or not. He had no need to hold his breath. “Just a little longer!” He yelled over the rushing water around your skull as he held your head to his chest to shield you from any damage. 

You dug your fingers into his waist, blunt nails pinching his skin where scales and gills weren’t located. 

You were suddenly lifted out of the water and you felt Taehyung move both you and him up onto hard, firm ground.  He sat, his feet in the water as he dragged you up his chest and lay you on the ground.  You hacked and coughed, water unattractively spitting up your body and out your mouth as you rolled to your side,  practically vomiting up the water that was once trapped. 

You finally cracked your eyes open, rubbing at them as sea water was dripping from your eyelashes.  Rolling back onto your back you felt Taehyung grab your arms and lift them up above your head on the ground.  You watched as he moved his body to where he loomed over you. 

“It expands the lungs to lift your arms up.  It’ll make it easier to breathe.”  You wordlessly nodded as you closed your eyes once again to focus on breathing. It hurt for some time, breathing that is.  It burned, but soon the pain faded and then you felt yourself shiver.  It was cold here; wherever here was.

You felt Taehyung lower himself down.  He was laying on you now, head on your chest as his head was turned so he could hear your heartbeat.  One of his hands rested on one of your naked thighs as the other rested on your shoulder.  His legs were laced with yours as you felt his cool scales on your skin.  Opening your eyes, you could see his ocean blue hair just below your chin.

You moved one arm and sat one hand on his head.  not stroking it, not playing with his hair like you use to.  Just let it sit and rest on his head.  It was already almost dry.  He sure is unfair, having all these immunities to water and the ocean, while you were still soaking and not to mention cold.

“Taehyung,” your voice was gruff. He hummed at you, he could almost see himself drifting off if he so chooses to do so.  “Where did you bring me?”

“To an underwater cavern.  I found this place a long time ago.  I’ve been keeping it a secret ever since I was a child.  I come here to think when I don’t feel like being a Prince.”

“So,” you gently moved your hand down to his shoulders and tapped at them, silently telling him to get up.  “You’re telling me I’m still in the ocean?” He rolled off you and sat up, crossing his scaled legs as he nodded.  You rotated your other arm down to your side as you pushed yourself up.

“Yes.  It’s an enchantment of sorts, a pocket of air was pushed around this cavern that forced all the water and sea life out.  I’m not sure when it was formed, but you see that.”  He pointed behind you on a far back wall.  It was some type of carving, some sort of ancient writing maybe? “That’s encryption magic, pretty old too.  The thing that makes it so powerful is that under the encryption is damaged or corrupted, the spell remains.  So, this cavern is perfectly safe for you to be. Seeing as you don’t breath water.”

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒 | 𝐊- 𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now